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Wallpapers Collection №60

Тєрєл бvрийн
vзэмжтэй, чанар сайтай ханын цаасуудыг сэдэв харгалзахгvй тvvвэрлэн
хvргэдэг Wallpapers Collection цувралын №60 шинэ дугаар тэнгэр хангай
хураа хайрлаж бvvдгэр ч гэлээ чийг vнэртсэн энэ л сайхан єдєр таны
сэтгэлийг сэргээж эрч хvчийг бадраахаар ийнхvv хvрч байна. Шинэ

Iniciativa Colectiva Magazine Issue 01-15

Colectiva Mgazine Issue 01-15 – 2006 оноос анх хэвлэгдэж эхэлсэн
хэдий ч дэлхийн єнцєг булан бvр дэх авъяаслаг артистууд, арт фанатик,
цуглуулагчдын анхаарлыг татаж чадсан євєрмєц сэтгvvл болж чадсан
Iniciativa Colectiva сэтгvvлийн нийт 15 дугаарыг багцлан толилуулж
байна. Сар

129,495 trees planted on Saturday

Ts. Elbegdorj planted trees in the yard of the 56th kindergarten in
Ulaanbaaaor on Saturday, marking Mongolia”s first Planting Day. He
had issued a decree issued on April 16 that Mongolians are to plant trees on
every second Saturday of May and October.

China’s Premier to visit Mongolia later this month

Premier Wen Jiabao will be visiting Mongolia later this month. His
planned trip during last year’s celebration of the 60th anniversary
of Mongolia-Chinese diplomatic relation in October fell through as the then
Prime Minister, S.Bayar, was not well.

Civil movements to renew agitation

civil movements that organized last month’s prolonged anti-Government and
anti-Parliament protests told a news conference on Friday that they would soon
launch another joint program of agitation, more intense than the last This has
become necessary as the Government has taken no steps

D.Dorligjav: No mercy to corrupt prosecutors

last Friday approved the appointment of D.Dorligjav as Prosecutor General, with
92 percent of MPs accepting his nomination by the President. Talking to
reporters after the Parliament vote, Dorligjav said his priority will be to
ensure that prosecutors at all times abided by

All schools to have same text books

The coming
school year will see the same text books being used by secondary school
students all over the country. The Government has taken the decision following
continued criticism of the quality and contents of a number of text books. The
problem came out

Wagner Asia’s apprentice training program continues successfully

Wagner Asia
Equipment, the Caterpillar dealer for Mongolia, has begun two consecutive
apprentice training programs with 30 students in each. The company has trained
a total of about 150 students in six such programs in the past five years.
Wagner partnered with the Mongolian

Advance payment for Tavantolgoi wilI not be in cash only

The Prime
Minister has made it clear that the Oyu Tolgoi agreement is not an inviolate
template and the decision on Tavan Tolgoi will stay clear of the mistakes in it,
says The Mongolian Mining Journal in its April issue. He has identified

Chinese agricultural experts to work in 8 Mongolian regions

Fourteen agricultural experts from Inner
Mongolia are in the country to participate in the two-year China-Mongolia
“South-South Cooperation” Project, providing technological aid. They
will work in eight regions in Mongolia, and provide expert technical aid
focusing on animal feed production, livestock farming, plant protection,
