This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
The MPs’ working group headed by U.Enkhtuvshin to study
and assess the role of the Government, particularly the law enforcement
agencies, during the events preceding and following the declaration of the
emergency in July 2008 has submitted its report to the National Security
After a three-month run at the Denver Museum of Nature
& Science which drew 175,000 visitors, “Genghis Khan: The Exhibition,”
opens tomorrow at the Tech Museum in San Jose. On display is an array of
artifacts, many of which have never previously left
On May 15, the Green Team in the US Embassy
in Ulaanbaatar celebrated Earth Day and the inaugural Mongolian Tree Planting
Day, with active participation of local and American staff members, host
government officials including Purevsuren from the President’s Office, Foreign
Policy Advisor D.Batbold,
Mongolia was “cooler than normal” in the first four
months, even as this year is on track to be the hottest ever after data
published by America”s climate agency this week showed record global
temperatures in April and the first four months of