News.MN - The source of news

Chinese PM to visit Mongolia and three other nations

Prime Minister Wen Jiabao
will visit South Korea, Japan, Mongolia and Myanmar on a four-nation Asian trip
from May 28 to June 3.
The high point of the trip will be a three-nation summit with South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak
and Japanese
Prime Minister Yukio

Report on July 1 incidents submitted to NSC

The MPs’ working group headed by U.Enkhtuvshin to study
and assess the role of the Government, particularly the law enforcement
agencies, during the events preceding and following the declaration of the
emergency in July 2008 has submitted its report to the National Security

US Embassy team plants 80 trees

On May 15, the Green Team in the US Embassy
in Ulaanbaatar celebrated Earth Day and the inaugural Mongolian Tree Planting
Day, with active participation of local and American staff members, host
government officials including Purevsuren from the President’s Office, Foreign
Policy Advisor D.Batbold,
