News.MN - The source of news

E.Amartuvshin starts his tour from “La Scala”

E.Amartuvshin, People’s Artist of Mongolia and World’s best operatic baritone, will start his first tour of 2025 from the famous Italian theater “La Scala” and will perform the opera “Power of fortune”.

Batbold holds wide ranging talks with visiting Czech Prime Minister

Fischer, who arrived in Mongolia
yesterday on the first visit here by a Prime Minister of the Czech Republic
since 1993, has held long ranging talks with Prime Minister S.Batbold. The
visit takes place on the 60th anniversary of establishment of
diplomatic relationship between

Workshop on religious involvement in environmental protection

A recent
workshop at Gandantegchinlen monastery on how to secure more involvement of
local monasteries and Buddhist people in environmental protection discussed
ways of implementing small projects at rural monasteries and of disseminating
knowledge of traditional environmental protection customs. Representatives from
the Ministry of Nature,

Object from space kept in storage

object that fell from space two months ago in Buren soum of Tuv aimag is in
storage at the National Emergency Management Agency. A combined team from the
agency, police, and intelligence services has identified the object as part of a
satellite launched

MNT 300,000 for every herder family with total loss of livestoc

Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman
of the National Emergency Commission M.Enkhbold has revealed how the MNT 3.4
billion (approximately USD2.5 million) given by the Asian Development Bank (ADB)
for dzud relief will be used. Altogether MNT 2,252,800,000 will be allocated to
8,576 rural families

Toribash 3.88 2010ENG

хэмээх 2006 онд гарсан жижиг хэмжээний зодооны тоглоомыг хүргэж
байна. Хэмжээ нь 10-хан МБ болохоор татаад тоглоод үзээрэй. Ерөнхийдөө
Ragdoll Masters тоглоомтой төстэй боловч хамаагүй боловсронгуй болсон
байнлээ. Эхлээд Tutorial-ыг сайн тоглож сураад тогловол илүү гоё юм

Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs

Walt Disney-ийн анхны бүрэн хэмжээний хүүхэлдэйн кино гэж хэлж болох
Цасангуй ба Долоон одой хүүхэлдэйн киног хүргэж байна. Уг х.кино нь 1937
онд гарч байжээ. Бараг үзээгүй хүн гэж үгүй биздээ. Бичлэгийн чанар нь

Lord Of The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth 2

The Lord Of The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth 2-ыг Rise Of The Witch
King нэмэлттэй нь хүргэж байна. Mediafire-аас татагдана шүү. Enjoy!Үргэлжлэл

Nature Wallpapers Duugi+Gogo+Mediafire

Та бүхэндээ цоо шинэхэн байгалийн үзэсгэлэнтэй ханын цааснуудын багцыг
хүргэж байна. Нийт 74 зураг багтсан ба хэмжээ нь ердөө 20 МБ.Үргэлжлэл
