News.MN - The source of news

Opera singer performs free to mark Bulgaria-Mongolia ties

Opera singer S.Mungunchimeg, who has fond memories of her
years of study in Bulgaria and considers it to be her second homeland, will gives
a free performance on May 24 at Arte restaurant in Ulaanbaatar, at a ceremony
to celebrate the 60th anniversary

Livestock program to help herders approved

Parliament on Thursday approved a resolution whereby the Mongolian
Livestock program will now cover veterinary and breeding services, improving quality
of herds, maintaining a proper balance between the number of different animals
in a herd, etc. The program, initiated by a group of

Benefits likely for Mongolians working in Czech Republic

The Government wants a draft law to ratify the agreement reached
during the Czech Premier’s just concluded visit on certain issues relating to
social welfare. This will enable Mongolians employed in the Czech Republic
to claim pension from either the Mongolian or the

DP team on week’s visit to China

A Democratic Party (DP) delegation led by the party’s
Secretary-General, D.Erdenebat, and comprising several members of its National
Consultative Committee is now in  China at the invitation of the Communist Party
of the People”s Republic of China
(CPPRC). It will spend a week there.

World Bank warns of higher inflation

Prime Minister N.Altankhuyag and Arshad Sayed, resident representative of the World
Bank in Mongolia, exchanged views about the economic situation and the banking
sector. The annual International Monetary Fund review of the budget policy of
Mongolia has not been issued this year, and

MPs consider new legal status for Ulaanbaatar

discussed on Friday revising the legal status of Ulaanbaatar, following the big
rise in its population in recent years. Migration from rural areas has, according
to M.Enkhbold who proposed the draft amendments, has increased the population
of the capital city by 471,500. It

MPs discuss draft seeking to change Parliamentary procedures

took up for discussion on Friday a draft law proposed by Ch.Saikhanbileg and
Su.Batbold to amendments the law on parliamentary procedure. Earlier MPs had rejected
a similar draft proposed by the President, with Ts.Nyamdorj saying, “The President
is trying to become the 77th

Draft law on increasing royalty rates submitted to Speaker

Minister S.Bayartsogt has submitted to D.Demberel, Speaker of Parliament, a
draft amendment to the law on minerals, seeking to impose higher royalty rates
for mineral resources. Many countries already have royalty rates of up to 10
percent depending on the type of mineral,

Kh.Badamsuren to head council on South Gobi

latest Government meeting decided to set up without delay a South Gobi Regional
Development Council in terms of the agreement with Ivanhoe Mines. The Council
will assist the government in preparing strategic plans and the budget, and in
seeking finance for programs and
