A total of 11 forest fires were recorded in Dornod, Khentii, Sukhbaatar and Arkhangai provinces.
A total of 11 forest fires were recorded in Dornod, Khentii, Sukhbaatar and Arkhangai provinces.
The head of the State Property Committee, D. Sugar, has
told the newly appointed three Oyu Tolgoi LLC Board members from the Mongolian
side that their main responsibility was to ensure maximum profit for the state,
so that it could spend money on
A joint statement from the two companies has revealed
that Mongol Gazar LLC has sold its share in the Olon Ovoot gold mine, the
refining plant there, and its gold reserves to Just Group for USD130 million.
All unpaid debts, including loans from
Prime Minister S. Batbold will
inaugurate the third
annual Mongolia Corporate Governance Forum tomorrow at Chinggis Khaan
The keynote speech will be given by Sebastian
Molineus, Sr. Operations Officer, CG Group, The World Bank.
Among the other fearured speakers are
David Lawrence, Resident Representative,
Prophecy Resource Corp. has signed an agreement securing
the loading of and the capacity to transport by rail 1.5 million tons of coal
annually from its Ulaan Ovoo coal project, with the option to increase capacity
based on availability. The loading point will
Polo Resources has announced
execution of a memorandum of understanding with Peabody Energy Corporation and
Winsway Coking Coal Holdings for the sale of Polo”s 50% interest in the
Peabody-Polo Resources B.V. Mongolian joint venture. The JV was formed to hold
all of Polo”s coal
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алдагдахаас сэргийлж чаджээ. Крак-тайгаа байгаа. Вирусны эсрэг програм
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Гадаад сервер дээр байгаа учир устахаас өмнө амжиж татаж
аваарай.Удахгүй монгол сервер дээр тавина.Үргэлжлэл…
children will receive an exciting gift on this year’s Mothers’ and Children’s
Day. On June 1, the City administration will bring together 100 animals of
several species found in Mongolia,
such as wolves, rabbits, foxes, and deer.
These will be kept in small