This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
Polo Resources has
announced execution of a memorandum of understanding with Peabody Energy
Corporation and Winsway Coking Coal Holdings for the sale of Polo”s 50%
interest in the Peabody-Polo Resources B.V. Mongolian joint venture. The JV was
formed to hold all of Polo”s coal
The Global Times,
a daily Chinese newspaper focusing
on international issues and produced by the official Chinese Communist Party newspaper, the People”s Daily, has
published in some detail the views of Michael Aldrich, an American lawyer who divides his time between
Beijing and Ulaanbaatar,
Conversations with residents of Ulaanbaatar are full of
references to Mongolia”s mining wealth, and the booming interest from
international governments and multinational corporations, found a visiting
journalist from Britain’s The Guardian. The common theory, or hope, expressed
by those working in the mining industry
The European Bank of Reconstruction
and Development is providing USD25 million in loan to APU, a private brewery,
to support the company”s drive to expand production capacity and diversify its
product range. Established in 1924, APU is the leading beverage producer in
Mongolia and
Fourteen agricultural experts from Inner Mongolia are now
working in Mongolia under the two-year
China-Mongolia “South-South Cooperation” Project, providing
technological aid. They are based in eight regions in Mongolia, and provide
expert technical aid focusing on animal feed production, livestock farming,
plant protection, agricultural irrigation,
The Environment and Tourism Minister has canceled 59 licenses
for land use in the Bogd mountain protected area with effect from June 1. The
holders of these licenses have either not paid the required annual fees for more
than two years, or have
Brad Rutherford, Executive Director of the Snow Leopard
Trust, has said that like most other countries, Mongolia, too, has well run
mining operations and bad ones, as well as appropriate and bad government
policies on mining. Mentioning the Trust’s “alarm at the blanketing
Finance Minister S.Bayartsogt told Parliament as it
discussed the draft law on fiscal stability on Friday that the new law was
based on the present law on Mongolian Development which in the past two or three years provided the funds for much
“Mongolia will determine the choices it makes about its
own future, but international experience, both good and bad, can also be
helpful and offer useful and important insights as Mongolia learns from both
the successes and failures of others.” This was said by
The latest quarterly meeting of the Consultative Council on
Investment Climate and Private Sector Development (CCICPSD), held earlier this month with Deputy Finance
Minister T. Ochirkhuu in the chair, mainly devoted itself to recommendations on
the law on “Conducting Settlement in National Currency”