This State Visit will be organized as part of the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Republic of Türkiye
This State Visit will be organized as part of the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Republic of Türkiye
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Flares-ийг ашиглан дуран, линзэн дээр ойсон, туссан, анивчсан гэрэл
болон гэрлийн туяа, оч цацраг зэрэг гэрэлтэй холбоотой эффектvvдийг яг
1916 он. Аймшигт дайнаас амь гарсан таны
ємнє бас нэгэн хvнд даалгавар гарч ирсэн нь хайртай охиныгоо хамгаалахын
тулд євєг эцгийнхээ сvнс сvvдэр эргэлдсэн хуучин эдлэн газарт очих
ёстой болно. Тосгоны ойролцоох нутгийн оршин суугчдын ярьж байгаагаар
бол євєг эцгийн
Жил бvр уламжлал болон зохиогддог оюутан дизайнеруудын зохион бvтээсэн
дотуур хувцасны шилдэг загварыг шалгаруулах “The Triumph Inspiration
Awards” тэмцээний энэ жилийн vйл ажиллагаа амжилттай болж єндєрлєлєє.
Харин одоо та бvхний мэлмийд энэхvv vйл ажиллагааны хvрээнд зохиогдсон
Израилын Шенкар коллежийн оюутан-дизайнеруудын
representative P.Ramlogan yesterday met with First Deputy Premier and
Democratic Party head N.Altankhuag and the leader of Mongolian People”s
Revolutionary Party group in Parliament, D.Lundeejantsan. He told both leaders that the IMF could not
complete its mandatory annual review of the Mongolian economy
Valle Garagorri, head of the Spanish Commission against Capital Punishment,
yesterday called on President Ts.Elbegdorj who has already declared a
moratorium on the death penalty in Mongolia and wants to make it illegal. The
President and his representatives have attended several international meetings
XacBank has upgraded the technology
used in all branches, accounting centers, and extensions. This will save
customers’ time, make monitoring of transactions easier and quicker, expedite
service, and ensure the same quality of work at all the branches of the bank.
Government has allocated MNT 756.6 million for sterilization of animals. The
National Emergency Commission met yesterday to review measures being followed
to ensure that there is no further loss of animals, after 8.1 million of them died
in the dzud. The livestock census
On his return from a visit to
Germany to study the operation of the Frankfurt Stock Exchanges and the legal
environment regulating the capital markets in Germany, Ch.Otgochuluu, advisor
to the President, has told The Mongolian Mining
Journal that at present not many Mongolian
The Fifth Annual General Meeting of
the Association of Mongolian Banks held last month re-elected B. Medree as President and M. Bold as
Executive Director for another year. The President’s report detailed how the
Association had been focusing on policy issues such as