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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 Final + Portable

Graphics Suite X5 Final + Portable – реклам сурталчилгаа,
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боловсруулах, зураг засч янзлах зэрэг олон ажлуудыг хийж гvйцэтгэхэд
Photoshop программтай харьцуулах аргагvй сайн боловсруулдаг программ
учир єнєєгийн зохион бvтээгч,

Audit faults loan agreements

The audit report on the 2009 budget has said the wording
of the Government guarantee behind  loans
taken from foreign countries was vague and convoluted and it is “hard to
understand” who would finally be responsible for their repayment. The problem
stems from bureaucratic

MPs criticize bond sales in 2009

The general reaction of MPs to the government’s
performance in regard to the economy last year was one of dissatisfaction as
Parliament discussed in Friday a report on execution of the general budget of
2009 and another report by the National Audit Agency

Citizens to be given shares in Tavantolgoi

Addressing more than 3,000 young people brought together
by the Ulaanbaatar wing of the MPRP, Prime Minister S.Batbold said citizens
will be given shares in the Tavantolgoi coal deposit. This was the first
categorical and unequivocal statement on an issue that has thrown

Plans to have an SME business center in every district of capital city

Every district of Ulaanbaatar will
have its own SME business center soon, under a program launched in January.
Apart from providing training on entrepreneurship, identifying profitable areas
of business, and help in finding markets, these centers will also offer
graduates concessional loans and some

Investment analyst feels Mongolian local talent will develop duly

D.Achit-Erdene, President of the Mongolian International Capital Corporation, feels a decision on whether to collaborate with the Hong
Kong or the Frankfurt Stock Exchange should come only after enforcing here the
information disclosure requirements that have already been standardized
worldwide. In general, the

Petro Matad faces another frustrating delay in Dornod

Shareholders in Petro
Matad Limited, the explorer targeting frontier lands on the
Mongolian-Chinese border, must be wondering what next will come between them
and the company’s first well on the Davsan Tolgoi prospect. First, it was an
unusually long and severe winter that forced
