This State Visit will be organized as part of the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Republic of Türkiye
This State Visit will be organized as part of the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Republic of Türkiye
The Standing
Committee on the Economy yesterday decided 13-3 to send the draft law on graduated
royalty rates to Parliament for discussion. The amendment to the Mineral Law is
expected to bring about MNT 80 billion to the state budget annually. Discussing
the whole
A working
group led by MP Ch.Ulaan told Parliament Speaker D.Demberel yesterday that
reducing the number of government employees by 7,000 can save MNT50 billion this
year. The dismissed people can be given six months’ salary as severance pay,
which will cost MNT13.3 billion.
A group of Mongolian
contortion and gymnastic artists, led by Haliun, has left for South Africa to
perform in various shows in connection with FIFA World Cup 2010. They have been
contracted by a South African company.
Owners of 61 bars,
nightclubs, restaurants and shops that had their doors sealed by city officials
for working and serving alcohol after hours held a press conference yesterday
to protest against the action. They are also members of the Council of
Nightclubs and the
joined several l leaders from the Middle East and Asia
to condemn Israel”s raid on a Turkish aid ship bound for Gaza at a summit in Istanbul on Tuesday, calling
on the Jewish state to end its “inhuman” blockade of the Palestinian
S.Ganbaatar, President of the Confederation of Trade
Unions, thinks the regular criticism by certain people “at the decision making
level in government” that the 30% salary rise for public servants will lead to
price increase is “more politically motivated than economically valid”.
Inflation and
Khan Bank was one of 5 companies to receive the
President’s award for national productivity for 2009 at a ceremony last week.
The citation accompanying the award reads, “In grateful appreciation to Khan
Bank for its success in improving its reputation, competitiveness and
Erdene Resource Development Corp. has said its Zuun Mod
exploration license was recently renewed until May 28, 2011. Erdene has been
carrying out work over the past year in preparation for conversion of the Zuun
Mod exploration license to a mining license. This
Alien Breed:
Impact хэмээх цоо шинээр гарсан тоглоомыг хүргэж байна. 3Rd
Person камераар харан тоглох ба Shooter төрлийн үе давдаг сонирхолтой
тоглоом байнлээ. Хамгийн гол нь хэмжээ маш багатай бөгөөд үзүүлэлт маш
бага шаардана. Бүрэн эхээрээ 800 МБ ба Repack
Bob Came In
Pieces хэмээх цоо шинэхэн адал явдалт, ухаан шаардсан
тоглоомыг хүргэж байна. Хэмжээ маш багатай ба үзүүлэлт бага шаардана.
Трейлэр ба зургуудаас нь үзээд татахаа шийдээрэй. Үргэлжлэл