News.MN - The source of news

FIFA World Cup South Africa 2010

энэ удаад FIFA World Cup South Africa 2010 хэмээх дууг та бүхнийхээ
сонорт хүргэж байна. Та бүхэнд таалагдана гэж найдаж байна. Татаж аваад
сонсоод үзээрэй. Үргэлжлэл

All set for Parliament to debate draft Tavantolgoi agreement

Following the unanimous approval given to the draft
Tavantolgoi investment agreement by both party groups in Parliament on Monday
and a similar consensus in the Standing
Committee on the Economy on Tuesday to allow the draft to be
debated in Parliament, the way seems

World Bank representatives urge Speaker to review budget revision

Speaker D.Demberel yesterday met two World Bank officials who deal with
Mongolia, Jim Hagan and Claus Roland. Jim Hagan, who was in charge of Mongolia in
the mid-1990s, said Ulaanbaatar has become unrecognizable after 13 years. The
population has grown, certainly leading to

People to own Tavantolgoi shares

MPRP group in Parliament on Monday gave unanimous approval to the draft Tavantolgoi
investment agreement. Later, the head of the group, D.Lundeejantsan, and the Minister
for Minerals and Energy, D.Zorigt, briefed media on the basic provisions of the
draft agreement.

deposits will be fully

Hunnu Coal acquires 60% interest in Tsohio coal project

Coal has acquired a 60% interest in the Tsohio coal project, about 40 km from
its existing Khuree 2 project. The Tsohio project has an exploration target of
between 50 million tons and 75 million tons, and the company said it would

U.S. company opens talks with MonAtom on jointly working in uranium sector

U.S.-based Mongolia Forward has
opened talks with MonAtom, Mongolia’s State-owned uranium development company,
to form a joint venture to explore, mine, and process uranium in Mongolia. In
accordance with the recently enacted Mongolian Nuclear Energy Law, MonAtom will
own 51% of the project.
Leo A.

Speaker D. Demberel chosen to chair 28-nation APPF next year

Parliament Speaker D. Demberel has
been elected president of the 19th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific
Parliamentary Forum (APPF) to be held in Mongolia in January 2011.
Delegates and parliament chairmen from 28 countries will discuss such issues as
environmental sustainability, terrorism, natural disaster,

Toon Boom Studio v5.0

Бид өмнө нь та бүхэнд мэргэжлийн
түвшинд 3D анимэшн хийх боломжтой Toon Boom Animate хувилбарыг нь хүргэж
байсан билээ. Toon Boom Animate нь мэргэжлийн гэх ангилалдаа ордог ба
доторх функцууд нь ч гэсэн илүү олон боломжтой байдаг. Харин одоо бидний

Killers 2010 CamRip

315Mb| Хэл: English| Төрөл: Action,
Comedy, Romance, Thriller    Холливуудын нэрт од Ashton
Kutcher болоод Katherine Heigl нарын хамтран тоголсон Killers киног та
бүхэнд хүргэж  байна. Энэхүү кино нь одоогоор Boxoffice-н 3-р байранд
нээлтээ хийсэн долоо хоногтоо 17.4 сая долларын

UK Top 40 Single Charts 06.06.2010

Британий дуу хөгжмийн чартыг тэргүүлж байгаа хамтлаг дуучдын Топ 40
Синглийн шинэхэн багцыг та бvхэндээ багцаар болон нэг нэгээр нь татаж
авахаар хүргэж байна. 2010 оны 6 сарын 6ний байдлаар чартыг “David
Guetta – Gettin’ Over You” дуу тэргүүлж
