A total of 11 forest fires were recorded in Dornod, Khentii, Sukhbaatar and Arkhangai provinces.
A total of 11 forest fires were recorded in Dornod, Khentii, Sukhbaatar and Arkhangai provinces.
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эрхлэн гаргадаг энэхvv программ нь єнєєдрийн дижитал гэрэл зургийн
орчинд ажиллахад зайлшгvй шаардлагатай шилдэг программ хангамж бєгєєд
ашиглахад маш энгийн хялбар, тvргэн, олон талын нэмэлт vйлдлvvд,
Дєрвєн жил тутамд
зохиогддог Хєлбємбєгийн дэлхийн аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээн (FIFA World
Cup) нь нэр хvнд, цар хvрээгээрээ зуны олимпийн наадмаас ч дутахааргvй
томоохон хэмжээний тэмцээн бєгєєд олон зуун сая хvмvvс шимтэн vзэж
хєлбємбєгийн хорхойтнууд єєрсдийн дэмждэг багаа хєгжєєн дэмжиж дэлхий
Бvсгvйчvvд та
бvхэндээ “Cosmopolitan” сэтгvvлийн ирэх долдугаар сарын шинэ дугаарыг
зориулж байна. Хэвлэл мэдээллийн тєрєл бvрийн салбарт ажил vйлчилгээ
эрхэлдэг Hearst Corporation-аас хэвлэн гаргадаг энэхvv сэтгvvлийн шинэ
дугаарын нvvрийг Колумбын дуучин Shakira-гийн зураг чимснээс гадна
дуучин бvсгvйг гэрлэлт яагаад номхон
Deputy Minister for Finance T.Ochirkhuu answers questions on
the state budget.
Is it possible to
agree to the IMF demand to keep the budget deficit within five percent of GDP?
We are still working on it. There is no other option but to accept
The Government meeting on Wednesday approved the draft
amendment to the law on value-added tax. It will now be submitted to Parliament. Minister for Finance S.Bayartsogt answers some
questions on the subject.
How many products will
the exemption cover?
First, of course, are wheat, vegetables,
Klaus Roland
of the World Bank was in Ulaanbaatar to attend a meeting on June 9 between the
Government of Mongolia and the Bank on the progress of major economic reforms.
He answers questions from our reporter.
You are the World Bank’s new country
The Prime Minister
has asked the City Mayor to keep bars and nightclubs open after the mandatory
closing time at midnight to allow locals and tourists to watch Football World Cup
matches played in South Africa. The establishments can be kept open until
Agvaanluvsan, a visiting professor at the Center for
International Security and Cooperation (CISAC) in Stanford, has
returned home after being appointed advisor to Mongolia’s Minister of Foreign
Affairs and Trade, G. Zandanshatar. She will work on nuclear-related issues as
well as Northeast Asian security
President Abdullah Gul and President Ts. Elbegdorj held a meeting on Wednesday
on the sidelines of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building
Measures in Asia (CICA) in Istanbul. Both
leaders later said the meeting had been constructive.
Gul stressed that Turkey and