News.MN - The source of news

MPs to head for South Africa

Several MPs are planning to go to South
Africa to watch the FIFA World Cup. MP R.Amarjargal has already left in his
capacity as member of Asian Football Federation audit team and president of the
Mongolian Football Association. He will also attend the

Inflation reaches 16.1 percent in Ulaanbaatar

Inflation at the end of May was 13.1 percent
nationwide and 16.1 percent in Ulaanbaatar, where meat prices rose 50 percent
and that of vegetables 20 percent. There are concerns that the inflation rate
would rise to the level of two years ago,

July 1 cases against police reopened

State Prosecutor General D.Dorligjav has
ordered a fresh investigation into the police firing on July 1, 2008 which
resulted in the death of five citizens. Initially, senior officials such as the
head of the General Police Authority, Maj-Gen. Ch.Amarbold, the head of the

SouthGobi to repurchase 2.5 million common shares

The Board of Directors of SouthGobi Resources has
authorized a share repurchase program to purchase up to 2.5 million common
shares of the company on each or either of the Toronto Stock Exchange and the
Hong Kong Stock Exchange, in aggregate representing approximately

Prophecy Resource ties up with Japanese firm to market Ulaan Ovoo coal

Prophecy Resource Corp. and Sojitz Corporation of Japan
have entered into an exclusive agreement to jointly market thermal coal from
Prophecy”s 208-million-ton Ulaan Ovoo coal deposit to buyers in China. The
agreement also covers Japan and Korea, provided that the coal is sold

“Nature is taking revenge, it’s all our fault,” rues herder

Talking about the dzud and its devastating effects, P.
Zagarzusem, governor of Uyanga,  an
administrative district and one of the worst-hit areas, told an AP
correspondent,  “For many herders,
livestock is their main source of income. It”s their business. It”s what they
do. That”s why

VA – Trance In Motion Vol.55 2010

Аагим зуны
халуун єдрvvдэд нозоорч бvгчимдэн байгаа залуус та бvхэнд сэтгэлийг тань
сэргээж хєгжєєх цоглог хєгжим хэрэгтэй байна уу? Тэгвэл та бидний
зvгээс санал болгож байгаа “Trance In Motion” цуврал цомгийн 55
дугаартай цомгийг хvлээн авна уу! Энэхvv цомогт зvvн

UK Top 40 Single Charts 2010.06.06

Нэгдсэн Вант Улс
буюу Их Британийн дуу хєгжмийн чаартыг 2010 оны 6-р сарын 6-ны єдрийн
байдлаар тэргvvлж байгаа хамтлаг дуучдын Топ 40 Синглийг багтаасан
шинэхэн багцыг хэрэглэгч та бvхэндээ хvргэж байна. UK Топ 40 чаартыг
“David Guetta – Gettin’ Over

Corel Video Studio Pro X3 Final Full

Corel Video
Studio Pro X3 Final Full – Канад улсын компьютерийн программ хангамж
vйлдвэрлэгч Corel корпорацийн олон гайхалтай бvтээгдэхvvнvvдээс
хэрэглэгч та бvхэндээ CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5, Corel WinDVD Pro 2010, Corel PaintShop Photo Pro X3 зэрэг шилдэг

K’naan – Wavin’ Flag 2010

Ємнєд Африкт болж
байгаа хєл бємбєгийн дэлхийн аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээнтэй холбоотой бас
нэгэн мэдээг та бvхэнд хvргэж байгаадаа баяртай байна. Нэг сарын турш
агуу их хєл бємбєгийн тухай ярилцаж, хєл бємбєгєєр амьсгалах дэлхийн улс
орон бvрд сомали-канад гаралтай дуучин, реппэр
