News.MN - The source of news

Buriyat President seeks a part of Mongolia’s tourists

President B.Nagovits of the Republic of Buryatia recently
met with the Russian Federation’s President D. Medvedev and Prime Minister
Putin in Moscow to discuss several issues relating to his region, including
some concerning Mongolia. Medvedev has agreed to study his proposal to allow

Railways will need roads from mines and human settlements

D. Batbaatar, a senior official at the Auto Transportation
Agency of Mongolia, has said that the railway to be built around strategic
deposits will be effective in transporting minerals only if there are roads
linking it to the mines and surrounding habitations. The

MP suggests agency exclusively to help create jobs

D.Arvin, chairperson of the Standing Committee on Social
Policy, Education, Culture, and Science, has expressed her unhappiness that
more importance is paid to welfare distribution than to employment generation.
Her committee recently reviewed how money in the Fund for Employment Support
had been spent.

MCA to rebuild 17-km road to Nalaikh

The Millennium Challenge Account of Mongolia (MCAM) has
submitted to the city authorities projects and programs it plans to implement
in Ulaanbaatar. These cover areas of infrastructure, health, education and the
environment. The 17-km road from the Bayanzurkh checkpoint to Nalaikh will be

Four die in two accidents on Wednesday

Four persons, including two children, died in two separate
road accidents on Wednesday. In the first, on the Bayankhoshuu road, a truck
carrying bricks rolled on to a bus, forcing it to hit a car, which crashed on
and killed a pedestrian on

Working group on Tavantolgoi to visit mine sites

The working group on the Government’s draft protocol on the
Tavantolgoi  deposit held its first
meeting on Tuesday. The group comprises four MPs from DP and five from
MPRP.  Its head, MP D.Damba-Ochir, later
told media that they heard the suggestions of mining experts

Government to post bond in Altantuya case in Malaysia

Karpal Singh, counsel for the family of
murdered Mongolian translator Altantuya Shaariibuu, has said the Mongolian
government is ready to post a security deposit bond for the family to enable
the Court of Appeal to continue with the compensation hearing. “They (Mongolian
government) have

Government approves amendments to customs tariffs

approval from the Government, the draft amendments to the law on customs
tariffs and customs duties, and to the Appendix of Protocols will be submitted
to Parliament for discussion soon.

production of milk and meat meets the entire demand in Mongolia but 56

Mongolia to fight fake medicines

Government plans to adopt a national strategy to fight fake medicines. The
first time the problem was faced in Mongolia was in October 1994 when fake
penicillin was found. Since then the problem has grown and a joint inspection by
the Health Ministry,

Railworks 2010 (2010ENGDuugiMulti)

Галт тэргэнд сууж үзсэн нь олон болохоос жолоодож үзсэн
хүн ховор байхаа. Тэгвэл жинхэнэ галт тэрэгнээс дутахааргүй дууриалган
хийсэн энэхүү тоглоом танд галт тэрэг жолоодож үзэх алтан боломжыг олгох
болно. Нийтдээ арван гурван төрлийн галт тэргийг жолоодох боложтой юм
