Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Parliament meeting was the first ever when the President spoke to and exchanged
views with MPs on national security behind closed doors. The event gains in significance
as some Foreign Ministry and Parliament employees are being interrogated for passing
on to foreign countries
Having missed the previously
announced date to reopen Children’s Park to the public, Ulaanbaatar Mayor
G.Munkhbayar has now announced that people will be able to visit the partially
renovated park, under renovation for three years, before Naadam. It was
expected to be ready before
TenGer Financial Group has acquired
50% of Prime General Insurance LLC, a leading insurer of the country.
The remaining half is owned by Petrovis LLC. The acquisition is expected to
help Prime Insurance strengthen its business position and become the leader in
the field.
Pending approval by the Board of
Oyutolgoi LLC, BNP Paribas and Standard Chartered Bank will work on structuring
the proposed USD1.2 billion B loan for the Oyutolgoi project as part of the debt financing backed by the EBRD
and the IFC, according to
State Property Committee Chairman
D.Sugar has told Bloomberg in an interview that Mongolia’s plan to privatize
its state-owned assets will allow international investors access to some of the
world’s largest untapped mineral resources through initial public share sales,
most likely in Hong Kong. No
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Bento Box Entertainment ,MoonBoy Animation нар хамтран бүтээдэг бөгөөд
нилээн олон хүний хөлс хөдөлмөр
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аргыг сонго гэвэл танд энэ програмыг санал болгох байна. Энэхүү
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2010 нь маш алдартай, томоохон, тоглоомын үзэсгэлэн юм. Nintendo,
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