This State Visit will be organized as part of the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Republic of Türkiye
This State Visit will be organized as part of the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Republic of Türkiye
Аагим халуун зуны эдгээр єдрvvдэд хийх зvйлээ олж ядан
байгаа хэн нэгэнд санал болгох онцгой зvйл бидэнд байгаа нь “Playboy”
сэтгvvлийн ирэх долдугаар сарын шинэхэн дугаар юм. Эрчvvдэд зориулсан
алдарт сэтгvvлийн маань шинэхэн дугаарын нvvрийг загвар ємсєгч, жvжигчин
Natasha Alam
Хэрэглэгч та
бvхэндээ Францын “Boon Bros” студийн уран бvтээлчдийн бvтээсэн “Ninjas”
хэмээх жижигхэн энимейшнийг сонирхуулж байна. Францын нийслэл хотноо
байрлах энэхvv студийн компьютер графикын мэргэжилтнvvд болох Julien
Lenoury, Yoann Durand, Yannick Sroussi нарын хамтран найруулж бvтээсэн
дээрх энимейшн 1980 онд
Нидерланд улсын
Амстердам хотод тєвтэй дуу бичлэгийн Armada Music лейбелийг Armin van
Buuren, Maykel Piron ба David Lewis нар 2003 онд анх байгуулж Electronic
dance music чиглэлээр vйл ажиллагаагаа єргєн хvрээнд явуулсаар байгаа
билээ. “Armada” хэмээх нэр нь уг лейбелийг
The President’s
Office last week organized a two-day conference on proper development of the mineral
sector under the auspices of Davos Economic Forum, an organization set up under
suggestions from President Ts.Elbegdorj. It was attended by representatives
from the Government, investors, civil unions and
discussed on Friday morning the government proposal on railway transportation,
as slightly modified by a working group led by MP R.Rash. The main issue to be
debated is the width of the gauge. This was the first reading, so no conclusion
was reached.
Bank directors have decided to keep the policy rate unchanged at 11 percent. With
inflation threatening to go up there has been talk of a tighter monetary policy to restrict money
supply, and to support the proposed revision to the budget.
First Maternity House, closed since January 18, was re-opened on Friday after
undergoing general repairs. The hospital was closed after the outbreak of
infection among new born babies that was traced to defective sewage pipes. Prime
Minister S.Batbold met the hospital officials and
Parliament meeting was the first ever when the President spoke to and exchanged
views with MPs on national security behind closed doors. The event gains in significance
as some Foreign Ministry and Parliament employees are being interrogated for passing
on to foreign countries
Having missed the previously
announced date to reopen Children’s Park to the public, Ulaanbaatar Mayor
G.Munkhbayar has now announced that people will be able to visit the partially
renovated park, under renovation for three years, before Naadam. It was
expected to be ready before
TenGer Financial Group has acquired
50% of Prime General Insurance LLC, a leading insurer of the country.
The remaining half is owned by Petrovis LLC. The acquisition is expected to
help Prime Insurance strengthen its business position and become the leader in
the field.