A total of 11 forest fires were recorded in Dornod, Khentii, Sukhbaatar and Arkhangai provinces.
A total of 11 forest fires were recorded in Dornod, Khentii, Sukhbaatar and Arkhangai provinces.
decision to allow the renminbi to appreciate against the dollar, even if
gradually, is a major
development in the world financial markets. Stock markets in Japan, South
Korea, Australia, Shanghai and Singapore have risen and investors believe that
the Beijing decision will not only
The National Statistical Office has published
figures for various sectors. All figures
are for the period January-May 2010, unless otherwise mentioned. All
comparisons are with the period January-May, 2009, again unless otherwise
Consumer price index
The national consumer price index in May rose 3.2 percent
Petro Matad has resumed operations at its Davsan Tolgoi prospect in
Block XX in Dornod province, after restrictions enforced following an outbreak
of the foot-and-mouth disease were lifted. The company had to suspend operation
on June 1, as blanket restrictions were imposed on
Hong Kong Exchanges
& Clearing Ltd. has met Mongolian mining companies seeking to list in the
city, according to its Chief Marketing Officer Lawrence Fok, who was in
Ulaanbaatar last week for a forum on corporate capital raising. Hong Kong
Exchanges, which operates Asia’s
Mongolia is receiving proposals from
global stock exchanges to assist with turning its state-run stock market into a
private enterprise. D.Sugar, chairman of the State Property Committee, said at
the recent Mongolia Capital Raising Conference that the London Stock Exchange,
the NASDAQ and the
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өөрийн гараараа урлаж хийвэл зүгээр гэж бодоод AAA Logo 2010-н Busines
Edition-г бүрэн эхээр нь бас зөөврийн хувилбараар нь орууллаа. Хамгийн
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байна. Англи ба орос хэлтэй. Тоглоомонд та киноны гол баатрууд болох
Woody, Buzz, Jessie нарыг удирдан тоглох боломжтой ба
Super Mario хэмээх баатар нь анх 1981 онд консолууд
дээр гарч байжээ.
Тэр цагаас хойш манайхан Dendi (хужаа компьютер) дээрээ байнга л
тоглодог байсан. Мөн сүүлийн үеүүдэд 3 хэмжээст Mario тоглоомууд Xbpx,
PS3 гэх мэт консолууд дээр гаран хит болж
программ нь одон орон, гариг ертөнцийн нэвтэрхий толь юм. Та
энэ программаар нарны аймгийн бүхий л гаргийн шилжих хөдөлгөөн, удахгүй
болох нар сарны хиртэлт, галактикууд, том гаригуудын дагуул гэх мэт
бүхий л зүйлсийг үзэж болно. Өөрөө татаж аваад хэрэглээд
Алдарт фото зурагчин Marcus Claesson-ий шилдэг ханын цааснуудын
цуглуулгыг хүргэж байна. Бүгд л их гоё зургууд байнлээ шүү.Үргэлжлэл