News.MN - The source of news

Mongolia to decide whether extend lockdown or not

The Mongolian Government issued a‘second degree’ emergency situation until 1 December after failing to take full control of local transmissions.
Residents of Mongolia’s capital of Ulaanbaatar have been told to stay at home as part of the nationwide lockdown measures. Police

80-year-old Mongolian with Covid-19 – in critical condition

Mongolia has confirmed 26 new cases of Covid-19 after testing 18,031 people nationwide, bringing the total number of local transmissions to 300. So far, Mongolia has had 738 confirmed cases of coronavirus -347 of them have recovered.
Currently, 384 people

Mongolia to organise local evacuation mission in December

Some 85 thousand people have applied to leave Ulaanbaatar and travel to the provinces. This comes after Mongolia announced a nationwide lockdown in mid-November. The government declared asecond-degree emergency situation after confirming the first local transmission of Covid-19 in the country of

Mongolian beauty becomes sportswear winner at Miss Earth 2020

Miss Earth 2020, one of three biggest beauty pageants, is continuing successfully, albeit virtually. Miss B.Battogtokh representing Mongolia has become the winner of sportswear contest along Nigeria, Russia and the USA.
For the first time in history, Miss Earth will crown

Second Mongolian at South Korean Basketball League

Previously the ‘News Agency’ introduced Batbayar, a Mongolian who plays for the Seoul Samsung Thunders, a top South Korean basketball team for a ‘Debut’ Fullerton. However, Batbayar is not the only Mongolian in the South Korean Basketball League.
Mongolian national, Khishgee

President vetoes 2021 State Budget Bill

President of Mongolia Kh.Battulga has vetoed the bill for the 2021 State Budget. The notifying letter was submitted to Speaker of Parliament and Chairman of the State Great Khural of Mongolia G.Zandanshatar, yesterday, 24 November.
The Bill for the State Budget

Mongolia’s Covid tally reaches 699

Mongolia has confirmed 27 new cases of Covid-19 after conducting 3,103 PCR tests on 24 November. According to A. Ambaselmaa the Head of the Surveillance and Research Department at the National Centre for Communicable Diseases (NCCD) ,a total of 349 peoplehave recovered

EU and Mongolia take stock on trade and investment relations

The European Union and Mongolia have been taking stock of their good trade relations, and looking at opportunities to further strengthen their bilateral trade and investment cooperation agenda.
The platform for this discussion was the third annual sub-committee on trade and

Many people stranded in UB

Many people from Mongolia’s 21 provinceshave been stranded in Ulaanbaatar after thecapital city announced lockdown immediately after locally transmitted cases of coronaviruswere reported on 10 November. According to Ya.Sodbaatar, head of National Emergency Commission, those people who are stranded in

Covid-19 spreading in five districts of UB

Today (24 November), Mongolia confirmed 32 new cases of Covid-19, bringing the total number in the country to 672. So far, 342 people have fully recovered and there have been no deaths.
These figures may seem miniscule compared to other countries.
