This State Visit will be organized as part of the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Republic of Türkiye
This State Visit will be organized as part of the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Republic of Türkiye
sub-committee on human rights will soon discuss the first chapter of the report
of the National Human Rights Commission on the incidents of July 1, 2008.
Kh.Temuujin, who heads the sub-committee, answers questions on what progress
has been made to unravel the truth
Batbayar, director general of the financial and economic policy department of
Mongolia, has said the Government has scaled back its plans for global bond
sales this year, after Europe’s debt crisis drove up borrowing costs. The
Government still plans to raise USD500 million
The European Bank for Reconstruction
& Development (EBRD) said last week that its USD25-million loan to
Mongolia’s largest drinks company would help APU double its beer production
capacity by 2014, buy a beer canning line and improve its energy efficiency and
production costs.
Privately-owned APU
Dennis Carl Price has taken over as
Chief Operating Officer-Mongolia for Mongolia Energy Corporation (MEC), joining hands with MEC”s
management team to further develop the Group”s mining operations in Mongolia.
Price has over 30 years of experience in the mining industry worldwide,
including Mongolia,
Toronto-based Khan Resources will start international
arbitration over the cancellation of its uranium licenses in that country. The
uranium developer, which also announced on Tuesday that CEO Martin Quick
would retire, said it had retained Washington DC-based law firm
Crowell & Moring to start
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