A total of 11 forest fires were recorded in Dornod, Khentii, Sukhbaatar and Arkhangai provinces.
A total of 11 forest fires were recorded in Dornod, Khentii, Sukhbaatar and Arkhangai provinces.
Prime Minister S.
Batbold has said in an interview with China”s English-language newspaper China
Daily that Premier Wen Jiabao”s recent visit to Mongolia contributed
significantly to bilateral relations and cooperation, especially in economic
and commercial ties. The high-level meeting mechanism played an important role
The International Organization for
Migration (IOM) is now in Ulaanbaatar making preparations to conduct a wide
ranging Emergency Displacement Assessment following the migration of thousands
of nomadic Mongolians to urban centers, mainly the capital, after they lost
most of their animals because of climatic
Mongol Bank reports that money
supply (broad money or M2) at the end of May recorded an increase of 2.8
percent over the end of April, and of 35.3 percent over May, 2009. Currency
issued in circulation rose 4.0 percent over April, and
The Department of Labor and Welfare
Services has announced that the remaining MNT50,000 from the Human Development
Fund will be paid to every citizen only after work on updating the population
register, to start on July 1, is over.
Kh.Altai, First Deputy Director of
the Mongolian Stock Exchange (MSE), has expressed his hope and confidence that
bids inviting companies to help privatize its management will attract response
from companies with international reputation. The selected company will be
expected to begin work in September.
Shandong Equipment LLC launched its
operations in Mongolia at a ceremony earlier this month. It is a company
wholly-owned by Wagner Asia Equipment LLC and will sell wheel loaders
manufactured in China by SEM Machinery
Co. Ltd., which is 100% owned by Caterpillar. Wagner
Private equity investor Origo
Partners plans to raise up to USD30 million via a placing through an
accelerated book-building process. It says it will use the net proceeds to fund
a number of new, well-advanced investment opportunities in the Chinese
clean-tech and agriculture sectors
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байна. Энэхүү тоглоомонд та нэгэн цаасан хүнийг удирдах бөгөөд нэг
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