News.MN - The source of news

Human Rights Sub-Committee will submit report to Standing Committee

Human Rights Sub-Committee met yesterday to discuss all the information it has
gathered on four specific aspects of human rights violations following the
violent incidents of July 1, 2008. The information came from its investigation
of 47 complaints from those arrested after the

President wants probe into judges’ qualifications

President’s Office has sent a letter to S.Batdelger, Judge General of the
Supreme Court and also Director of the General Court Council. The letter seeks
an investigation into the details of the legal training and qualification of 13
judges appointed between 2001 and

MPs want stricter watch on foreign citizens

Standing Committee on Legislation yesterday decided to submit to Parliament for
discussion a draft law on the status of foreign citizens. The draft calls for
improving the system of keeping tabs on foreign citizens, especially on what
they do while in Mongolia. MPs

Limits to be placed on guarantee for bank deposits

Government has prepared some amendments to the law presently guaranteeing the
security of bank deposits. This follows reports that some banks have been
abusing the provisions of the guarantee to secure deposits on inflated promises,
and also to relax their internal risk control

Ulaanbaatar company importing pigs from Inner Mongolia

China”s Inner
Mongolia Autonomous Region has secured its first ever deal to export breeding
pigs to Mongolia, with a shipment of 60 animals set for August. The supply
contract signed between Dexin Animal Breeding Co., Ltd., in Ordos City, and Zurgaan
Khoshuu, an animal

Batbold hails results of Chinese PM’s visit

Prime Minister S.
Batbold has said in an interview with China”s English-language newspaper China
Daily that Premier Wen Jiabao”s recent visit to Mongolia contributed
significantly to bilateral relations and cooperation, especially in economic
and commercial ties. The high-level meeting mechanism played an important role

International organization assessing needs of migrant herders

The International Organization for
Migration (IOM) is now in Ulaanbaatar making preparations to conduct a wide
ranging Emergency Displacement Assessment following the migration of thousands
of nomadic Mongolians to urban centers, mainly the capital, after they lost
most of their animals because of climatic

Volume of unpaid loans rises

Mongol Bank reports that money
supply (broad money or M2) at the end of May recorded an increase of 2.8
percent over the end of April, and of 35.3 percent over May, 2009. Currency
issued in circulation rose 4.0 percent over April, and
