This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
Peabody Energy is pursuing
opportunities in Mongolia, Chief Executive Officer Gregory Boyce has said.
Boyce said his company was looking at expanding into Mongolia, which is rich in
untapped mineral and coal resources. “China, Mongolia and India are our
focus,” Boyce said.
Peabody has a
Nokia S40
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Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region and Mongolia have vowed to expand economic,
educational and cultural cooperation and also to fight desertification, said Hu
Chunhua, Communist Party of China chief of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous
Region, after a visit to Mongolia.
A delegation from the region
James Chressanthis will be screening his
extraordinary documentary “No Subtitles Necessary: Laszlo and Vilmos” at
American missions and other venues in Vladistock and Moscow, in Russia, and in
Mongolia in September and October. The documentary chronicles the lives and
careers of legendary cinematographers Laszlo
The Mongolian Parliament has approved the Government’s railway
policy, developed mainly by the Ministry for Road, Transportation and Urban
Development. MPs took two sessions of discussion before the majority among them
voted in its favor.
The plan is to build four railroads with
The sixth international conference on study and
protection of carnivorous birds of Asia, held on Thursday at Chinggis Khaan Hotel, heard that
buzzards, field eagles, saker falcons and bearded vultures are getting rare in
Mongolia, where they traditionally nest.
The conference was jointly
Beijing’s decision to remove the peg on the exchange
value of the yuan has had almost no impact in the Mongolian market. On
Thursday, trade at the Naiman Sharga Exchange Market saw one yuan selling for
MNT 202.30 while the buying rate was
The French Ambassador, Jean
Paul Dumon, recently received from
President Ts.Elbegdorj the Nairamdal medal in recognition of his
to the
development of bilateral relations. He answered some questions from media on the
did France and Mongolia reach the
stage of establishing diplomatic relations 45 years