News.MN - The source of news

Indian Speaker meets with Batbold, Demberel

India is numerically
the largest democracy of the world and the Speaker of the directly elected
lower house of the bicameral Indian Parliament, Mrs. Meira Kumar, is now on an
official visit to Mongolia at the head of a delegation of MPs.  They

Government wants to allot land to groups of ninjas

MPs curious to know if artisanal
miners, popularly called ninjas, really make much money from the gold they find
were told during recent discussions on amendments to the Mineral Resources Law
and the Land law, which are, among other things, aimed at adopting

Adviser defends President’s emphasis on security concerns

M.Batchimeg, national security
adviser to the President, has emphasized the likely impact of the fast changing
foreign and domestic situation on Mongolia’s security concerns. The President
has decided to restructure several specialized organizations, improve
inter-agency relationship and cooperation, and work for a better legal

Cashmere fetches record price at Bayankhongor auction

Reports received from Shinejinst in
Bayankhongor province say a kilogram of cashmere  recently sold for a record MNT50,000 there.
This is twice last year’s price and beats the earlier high of MNT45,000 dating
from 2001. The auction of the wool of white goats,

I love you Sponge Bob

Би хүүхэлдэй дундаас Спонж Боб-д л дуртай
бүр хайртай.. Миний үеийн охидууд ихэнх нь Хэлло Китти-д дуртай юм шиг
бгаан би лав нээх дуртай бишээ.. Манай найзууд намайг : Энэ мангар
дөрвөлжин шар юмаар яадын гээл бдын нээх сонин би

Justin Bieber Ft. Jaden Smith – Never Say Never GoGoDuugiAiax

Дуучин: Justin Bieber ft. Jaden
SmithДууны нэр: Never say neverФормат:
MKVҮргэлжлэх хугацаа: 3мин 59секХэмжээ:
116MBThe Karate Kid кино өнгөрсөн долоо хоногт Box Office ийг
тэргүүлж байсан бол энэ долоо хоногт тэргүүн байраа “Toy Story 3” кинонд
алдсан байна. Одоогоор 135

The Karate Kid (1984) GoGoDuugi

Он: 1984Найруулагч:
John G. AvildsenГол дүрүүдэд: Ralph Macchio,Pat
Morita,Elisabeth ShueҮргэлжлэх хугацаа: 126 минХэмжээ:
700MBЧанар: DVDRipBox Office ийн дээгүүр бичигдэж
буй “The Karate Kid” кино хамгийн анх 1984 онд гарж байсан гэдгийг мэдэх
үү? Уг кино нь The Karate Kid (1984)

Draft seeks to pay HDF allowance in monthly installments

MP Ch.Khurelbaatar has submitted a
draft to amend Parliament’s protocol No.99 which is about payment from the Human
Development Fund in 2010 and a draft law to make amendments in law about
putting guarantees in bank deposits.

The law about guaranteeing bank
deposits was

101, 102 and 103 opens

Emergency Control Center has officially started its operation on Friday. The
opening ceremony was attended by Vice PM M.Enkhbold, Government member,
Minister for Internal Affairs Ts.Nyamdorj, Ambassador of South Korea Jong Il,
executive director of LG Group of Korea and other officials and

Central Stadium repairs to finish before July 8

is getting ready for the coming days of Naadam. Repair work on the Central
Stadium will be over by July 8. MNT632 million will be spent by the Government for
Naadam. MNT100 million of this will come from the Government, MNT198 million
