News.MN - The source of news

Plan to develop Tea Road for tourists

A team consisting of five representatives each from government organizations, NGOs, researchers and media will soon leave on a 15-day journey through Mongolia, China and Russia to review the details of a Tea Road project to attract international tourists. The

Irkutsk institute develops heat-trapping ger floor

Professor Igor Yurivich Shlekhov of the Institute of Technology in Irkutsk, Russia yesterday showed Mayor Munkhbayar a new kind of heat-retentive ger floor that the institute has developed. This uses nanotechnology to trap heat inside the ger and is also

Mongolian paleontologist chosen for unique honor

The U.S. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology has chosen Dr. R.Barsbold, director of the Paleontological Institute at the Academy of Sciences of Mongolia, to receive this year’s Romer-Simpson Medal, its highest award given for “sustained and outstanding scholarly excellence and service

Mo En Co chief sees Mongolia as “the right place to be”

James J. Schaeffer Jr., Executive Director of Mongolia Energy Corporation, which holds mining concessions of coal, ferrous and non-ferrous metals in Mongolia, has told The Mongolian Mining Journal that “Mongolia is the right place to be”. He is sure development

Mongolians in Canada hold basketball competition

Mongolians living in Canada recently held a basketball competition in Toronto. The prize was the Embassy Cup-2010. This was won by a team from the host city captained by Battushig. A team from Vancouver came second.

Altogether seven teams participated in

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Bon Jovi – Slippery When Wet Special Edition 2010

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“Slippery When Wet” цомог 2010 онд буюу саяхан дахин шинээр хэвлэгдэн
гарчээ. Slippery When Wet [Special Edition] хэмээх уг цомогт нь 1987-с
2008 онуудын хооронд дуулагдсан “You

TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4300.7 Full + Portable

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