News.MN - The source of news

Christina & Gaga

засалт, нүүр будалт, зураг авалт, хувцаслалт, клип энэ тэр нь юутай
адилхан. Gaga багада Aguilera шиг л дуучин болно гэж мөрөөддөг байсан
байхаа. Аль эсвэл дэндүү адилхан сонирхолтой байх.Үргэлжлэл

DP group wants power plant agreement cancelled

issues discussed by the DP group in Parliament at its regular meeting on Monday
mainly related to those to be considered by standing committees this week. The
group set up a working group to review the basic guidelines of the socio-economic
policy for

Prosecutor General wants anti-corruption agency head dismissed

The State
Prosecutor General yesterday sent a letter to Parliament requesting it to
dismiss Ch.Sangaragchaa, head of the Anti- Corruption Agency (ACA). This was
revealed to media on Tuesday by L.Bold, an aide to the Prosecutor General, and B.Galdaa,
head of the investigation unit

Move to pay allowance to 160,000 poor families

Ministry for Social Welfare and Labor yesterday organized a discussion on
whether it was right to assist poor citizens. A ministry official said it was
necessary for people to have correct information on the contents of the draft amendments
to the social welfare

Microbus operators block roads to protest decision

operators blocked roads for some time on Monday to protest against the decision
on Friday of the Metropolitan Transportation Department to ban microbuses on downtown
roads. They put about 50 microbuses on the road near Moscow Restaurant of
district No.3 and on the

Honor for fertile mothers to cost MNT96 billion a year

percent of MPs supported a proposal to give awards and monetary encouragement
to mothers who gave birth and raised many children. Those who bore six or more
children will receive a Grade One Star and MNT1 million each, while those with four

Indian Speaker meets with Batbold, Demberel

India is numerically
the largest democracy of the world and the Speaker of the directly elected
lower house of the bicameral Indian Parliament, Mrs. Meira Kumar, is now on an
official visit to Mongolia at the head of a delegation of MPs.  They

Government wants to allot land to groups of ninjas

MPs curious to know if artisanal
miners, popularly called ninjas, really make much money from the gold they find
were told during recent discussions on amendments to the Mineral Resources Law
and the Land law, which are, among other things, aimed at adopting

Adviser defends President’s emphasis on security concerns

M.Batchimeg, national security
adviser to the President, has emphasized the likely impact of the fast changing
foreign and domestic situation on Mongolia’s security concerns. The President
has decided to restructure several specialized organizations, improve
inter-agency relationship and cooperation, and work for a better legal

Cashmere fetches record price at Bayankhongor auction

Reports received from Shinejinst in
Bayankhongor province say a kilogram of cashmere  recently sold for a record MNT50,000 there.
This is twice last year’s price and beats the earlier high of MNT45,000 dating
from 2001. The auction of the wool of white goats,
