News.MN - The source of news

Policeman’s notebook shows how evidence was fabricated

Today is the second
anniversary of the incidents of July 1, 2008 which ended with five deaths from
police firing. Senior officials such as the head of the General Police
Authority, Maj-Gen. Ch.Amarbold, the head of the Metropolitan Police Authority,
Mr. O.Zorigt, the head

UN urges Mongolia to impose permanent ban on the death penalty

United Nations urges the abolition of the death penalty in all countries, and
stands ready to assist Member States to this end” said Ms. Rana Flowers, United
Nations Resident Coordinator in Mongolia, at a panel discussion on Wednesday on
the future of the

Winamp Pro 5.58 Build 2975 Final Gogo + MF + Others

Winamp программыг хүн бүр л сайн тоглуулагч
гэдгийг нь мэдэх байх. Ингээд Winamp программын хамгийн сүүлд
шинэчлэгдэн гарсан хувилбар болох “Winamp Pro 5.58 Build 2975 Final”-г
орууллаа. Winamp программыг хэрэглэдэг залуус программаа шинэчлээд
аваарай. Дотор нь Keygen хийсэн болохоор ажиллахгүй

Prophecy Resource happy with exploration results in Chandgana-Khavtgai

Prophecy Resource Corp. has successfully
completed its spring exploration program on its 100% owned Chandgana-Khavtgai
license in Khentii province. The work program consisted of 12 drill holes for a
total of 2,205 meters including 903 meters of core drilling, and five lines of

LSE welcomes Mongolian companies

Mongolia Day took
place in London Stock Exchange on June 28. Our reporter Budvaa Byambasuren sends
this report.

A sunny morning
welcomed us in London on Monday. We took a subway to the stock exchange
building in eastern London which took about 15 minutes

Mongolia “a fantastic opportunity”, says Leighton boss

Wal King, 
Chief Executive of construction giant Leighton Holdings, has said
Leighton is optimistic about doing more and more mining work in Mongolia  as it is a very low-cost environment.
“Mongolia is a fantastic opportunity for us. We now have AUD2 billion
worth of

Foxit Reader Professional 4.0.0 Build 0619

PDF файл уншигч шилдэг программ болох Foxit Reader-ийн цоо шинэ
хувилбарыг нь хүргэж байна. Энэ программ нь PDF файлыг маш хялбараар
үздэг ба системд бага ачаалал өгдөг мөн ихэнх хүмүүсийн хэрэглэдэг Adobe
Reader программаас хэд дахин илүү программ юм. Нетээс

Driver Checker 2.7.4 Gogo+Mediafire

Драйвераа мэдэхгүй, хайгаад олохгүй байх асуудал компьютер форматласны
дараа их тохиолддог. Энэ программ нь таны компьютерт танигдаагүй байгаа
драйверүүдийг хайн олоод татаж өгөх, хугацаа нь дуусч байгаа драйверийг
update хийх гэх мэт маш хэрэгтэй программ шүү. Энэ 6 сарын 28-нд
