This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
What is Ulaanbaatar
like when the FIFA World Cup matches are shown in pubs and clubs, and in
makeshift places where fans root for their teams with a beer in hand? Our
reporter finds out.
Niislel Asar (9:30pm): The place is already
full and
Foreign journalists reporting
on Naadam events will be charged a fee of USD100. Ordinary tourists can buy daily
tickets for USD25 from the Metropolitan Tourism Department. The events will be
held on July 11 and 12 at the stadium.
Mongolians have a choice.
Tickets for
Prime Minister
S.Batbold has said the Government proposes, pending Parliament’s approval, to
give from August 1 every citizen MNT10,000 a month from the Human Development
Fund. The amount will be raised in
stages from 2011, to finally reach MNT21,000. The Government feels that the
Mongolia is seeking investors for a USD10-billion
industrial complex that will meet rising Asian demand for coal and copper from
some of the world’s largest untapped mineral resources. A copper smelter, oil
refinery, power plants and chemical coking facilities are planned at Sainshand
King of Leighton, the world”s largest contract miner, is so excited about Mongolia that he recently took the entire
board of parent company Leighton Holdings
to the country ahead of their annual planning meeting in Hong Kong, to
see things for themselves. King”s
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