This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
new citizens’ registration system was inaugurated on Monday at a ceremony at
Government House attended by Prime Minister S.Batbold, First Deputy Premier N.Altankhuyag,
head of the State Registration Department (SRD) L.Monkhbayar, officials and
SRD head explained the way the revised system works. Batbold
special Government meeting yesterday approved draft amendments to the Human
Development Fund Law and submitted it to Parliament. The amendments seek to
widen the areas where money from the Fund can be spent.
Government believes that revenue from several sources related to
Warning against acting in a hurry to decide on the
location of the proposed copper smelter and other industrial units,
Ts.Davaatseren, a senior official at the Minerals Resources Agency, has told
The Mongolian Mining Journal that a number of factors, such as water
Mongolia”s bid to exploit untapped mineral wealth, build
huge infrastructure projects and list its homegrown firms abroad, is hampered
by the unresolved dilemma posed by the
rise of resource hungry China and its influence as Mongolia”s major customer,
according to a Reuters analysis.
Consultants, bankers
Mongolia and Nepal will sign a
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on exchange of information to prevent money
laundering and terrorist financing at the 13th annual general meeting of the
Asia-Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG) to be held in Singapore from July
12-16. The
The Organizing Committee of this
year’s Discover Mongolia has announced the name of the keynote speakers at the
Forum on 8-10 September. They are Bernard J. Guarnera, President of Behre
Dolbear Group, and Warren Gilman, Managing Director and Head of Asia Pacific
Region, CIBC
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