This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
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Windmill FarmerОн: 2010Төрөл жанр:
АнимэйшнНайруулагч: Joaquin BaldwinҮргэлжлэх
хугацаа: 00:04:32Видео: 1280х720, 24fps,
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Minister for Minerals and Energy
D. Zorigt has said after the parliamentary vote that no timetable has been set
for the share sales overseas or a preference made for where they should be
held. The government is still negotiating with overseas mining companies
Parliament approved on
Wednesday the Government proposal on Tavantolgoi without almost any debate
after the Standing Committee on the Economy had finished with it. There some
MPs had expressed their reservations about the proposal to distribute 10
percent of the deposit’s shares to companies
about maladministration in prisons are increasing. Recently, a prisoner convicted
of a serious crime was found working outside. In another case, the
administration of Amgalan’s prison No. 421 has been charged with using for its own
purpose MNT6.1 million that was due to
Prime Minister and Head of the Organizing Committee of the National Naadam
Festival, M.Enkhbold, has expressed his satisfaction with the new road to Khui
Doloon Khudag. The 3.6-km road has been built by Yalguusan, Power Logistics,
Tugs Zam and Tsuurdel companies at a
Government has changed the rate of emergency tax on petroleum products imported
through Sukhbaatar, Zamiin-Uud, Ereentsav and Altanbulag ports. It has been
raised from MNT120,000 to MNT220,000 for A-80 petroleum, from MNT170,000 to MNT220,000
for AI-92, and from MNT115,000 to MNT215,000
for diesel. The
year grain is being cultivated in 260,800 acres of land, potato in 13,100 acres,
vegetables in 6,100 acres, oilseeds in 23,900 acres, animal fodder in 7,600
acres, and fruits in 517,300 acres. Reports so far indicate growth is hood in 72.4
percent of