News.MN - The source of news

Mongolia to sign MoU with Nepal on exchange of financial information

Mongolia and Nepal will sign a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) on exchange of information to prevent money laundering and
terrorist financing at next week’s 
annual general meeting of the Asia-Pacific Group on Money Laundering
(APG) in Singapore. The MoU will make it mandatory for

Brzezinski to lecture in Ulaanbaatar

Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, 
U.S. National Security Advisor during Jimmy Carter’s presidency, will be
visiting Mongolia during Naadam at the invitation of Prime Minister S.Batbold.
He will give a talk on “The foreign policy of the USA and Eurasia” to an
invited audience of politicians,

MIAT rents Airbus from Turkish airline

MIAT has rented an Airbus 330-300 from a Turkish airline
to cope with the demands of the peak tourist season. The Mongolian national
carrier’s international flights schedule was facing difficulties ever
since  one of its three Boeing 737-800
aircraft was badly damaged during maintenance

Oyutolgoi workforce rises to 3,100

John Macken, President and Chief
Executive Officer of Ivanhoe Mines, has said that with the ramp-up to full
construction now well under way, the Oyutolgoi workforce has been increased to its current total of
3,100 men and women. Production of copper and gold

Peabody Energy pursuing opportunities in Mongolia

Coal miner Peabody
Energy, rebuffed in a recent acquisition bid in Australia, still wants to
expand there to meet Asian demand and is also pursuing opportunities in
Mongolia, Chief Executive Officer Gregory Boyce has said. He said his company
was looking at expanding into

Petro Matad spuds first well in Mongolia

Petro Matad Ltd. passed a key milestone recently when it
spudded its long-awaited first well in Mongolia, after having been stopped on
its tracks by unusually harsh winter weather conditions and then a regional
shut down due to an outbreak of foot and

Chinalco seeking stake in Ivanhoe or Oyutolgoi

In a filing with U.S.
regulators, the London-based Rio Tinto has said it is in talks with the
Aluminum Corporation of China (Chinalco) — a large Rio Tinto shareholder —
about buying a minority equity stake in Ivanhoe Mines Ltd., or a direct

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