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Wallpapers Collection №73

Тєрєл бvрийн
vзэмжтэй, чанар сайтай ханын цаасуудыг сэдэв харгалзахгvй тvvвэрлэн
хvргэдэг Wallpapers Collection цувралын №73 шинэ дугаар ажлын шинэ долоо
хоногийн эхний энэ єдєр эрч хvчийг тань сэргээх гоёмсог зургуудаа
агуулсаар таньд хvрч байна. Шинэ цуглуулганд цуврал бvрт маань багтдаг

Despicable Me (2010) Cam 300mb

Despicable Me (2010) Cam | Gogoshare 300mbТа
бүхэндээ 7-р сарын 9-нд нээлтээ хийж BOXOFFICE-ын 1-р
байранд явж байгаа Despicable Me хэмээх шинэ хүүхэлдэйн
киног CAMRip бичлэгтэйгээр хүргэж байна.Үргэлжлэл…

Mortal Kombat Rebirth 2010 720p Action Shortfilm

Кино урлаг сонирхогчиддоо америкийн
телевизийн продюсер, найруулагч Kevin Tancharoen -ын
уран бүтээл Mortal Kombat Rebirth хэмээх богино
хэмжээний киног толилуулж байна. Энэхүү богино хэмжээний кинонд Reptile,
Baraka 2-ын түүх болон тэдний аллагын талаар үзүүлэх болно.
Мөн Mortal Kombat шинэ бүрэн

Welcome to Mongolia, Cambridge!

The Ministry of Education,
Culture and Science is planning to bring education standards of Cambridge
University to Mongolia. In the scope of this program, secondary school No.115
of Khan-Uul district was chosen as the first school to implement Cambridge
Standards. The school will begin

General Prosecutor urges Speaker to settle the case of Anti-Corruption officials

The State General Prosecutor
D.Dorligjav sent an official letter to the Parliament Speaker D.Demberel on
Thursday. This letter, which demanded dismissals of Ch.Sangarragchaa, director
of Anti-Corruption Authority and vice director D.Sunduisuren, has been sent to parliament
for the second time.

The previous letter was sent

Spring session finishes

Regular spring session of
the Parliament of 2010 took a two-month break on Friday, July 16 which was six
days later than schedule. The last meeting of the spring session was attended
by 52 MPs.

The Parliament held a closed
meeting to discuss and approve

Households getting flooded

The Emergency service workers
are working with full readiness because of heavy rainfalls. Even though the
director of Metropolitan Emergency Department Kh.Batbileg said the rainfall in
UB did not reach flood level, the department is receiving many calls from
citizens. Many households are getting

Some banks to be taken responsibility

new Banking Law has taken effect on July 1st. According to the new
law, commercial banks must openly announce the names of shareholders, directors
and other administration. As for today, only Khaan, Khas and Golomt banks have
revealed the necessary information. Director of

Kempinski khuushuur the most expensive

is surely the most popular food of the people during Naadam. This year, City
Administration issued about 200 licenses to serve khuushuur to the people
during the holidays at Central Stadium and Khui Doloon Khudag. Even though the
city administration said price of

Two Mongolians to enter Transplant Games

and M.Tsengel who had kidney transplants in 2005 and 2008 will compete in sport
event of people with organ transplants in Beijing, China. Since trainings do
not influence the health it is possible for them to enter athletic events.

Games’ purpose is
