This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
approved a draft concept of national security before going into recess last
week. The first such concept was made 16 years ago and has been the keystone of
state policies. However, the passage of time and the changes in both foreign
and domestic
of a 12-storeyed Parliament Building, with funds pledged by the Kuwait
Government several years ago, will at long last begin in autumn. Secretary
General of the Parliament Office, Ts.Sharavdorj, answers questions on the
landmark project.
Where will it be built?
site finally selected is the
Entree Gold Inc. has received a mining license covering
its Nomkhon Bohr coal discovery, outlined through exploration efforts in
2008-2009. The new license covers approximately 14,030 hectares in the
northwest corner of the former Togoot exploration license. The portion of the
property included in
Eurasia Capital, a Hong Kong-based investment bank, and
MonBiz Media Ltd. have launched the MonBiz Hong Kong Index, the first index
that includes Mongolia-related companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock
Exchange. It will track the share price performance of Hong Kong-listed
companies with
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development said
Tuesday it has agreed to a USD180 million loan for the construction of the
first coal washing plant in Mongolia at Energy Resources” Ukhaa Khudag (UHG)
coking coal mine in South Gobi. The new coal
Boroo Gold, Shijir alt, MonPolimet are among the not many
mining companies that have been found to have duly completed rehabilitation
work. The State Inspection Agency (SIA) reveals that a review of mining
activities has found that over 2,000 entities did not do
Minister of Minerals and Energy D.Zorigt has revealed
that altogether USD758 million is likely to be invested in the Oyu Tolgoi
project this year. This does not include the USD400 million worth of work for
which domestic companies will be bidding. Testifying before
Хамтлаг, дуучин:
VAЦомгийн нэр: Trance In Motion Vol.57Гарсан огноо:
2010-07-13Жанр: TranceЧанар: MP3 | 320 kbpsYргэлжлэх
хугацаа: 86:14 minХэмжээ: 191 MBУлс хувьсгалын
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наадаж єнгєрvvлсэн цоглог залуус та нартаа “Trance In
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Америкийн дуучин Katy Perry болон рэппэр Snoop Dogg
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