Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
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дэлхийн 200 гаруй улс орнуудын газарзvй, хvн ам, байгаль орчин, улс тєр,
хэвлэл мэдээлэл, байгалийн байдал,
of Agricultural Policy Implementation Regulation Department of the Ministry of
Food, Agriculture and Light Industry D.Bayartulga answers questions on how
agriculture is going.
How much land is being used
for cultivation this year?
311,000 acres, of 260,000 acres are growing grains and the rest is
team from the World Intellectual Property Organization yesterday called on First
Deputy Prime Minister N.Altankhuyag who had invited them to the country to help
develop an intellectual property policy. This will help improve Mongolia’s
international competitiveness and also help in its technological development.
Mongolia-Russia Intra-Government Commission.has decided to replace V.Otgondemberel
as Director of Ulaanbaatar Railway Association. D.Jigjidnyam, at present Deputy
Director in charge of Transportation, will be the acting director until a
permanent replacement is found, in about a month.
Deputy Prime Minister N.Altankhuyag chaired Tuesday’s meeting of the Mongolia-Russia Intra-Government Commission.
He answers questions on what happened there.
What did you decide on
revising the 1949 agreement that governs the working of UB Railway?
agreed that the joint venture railway cannot meet
and Money Hong Kong will be hosting the Mongolia Investment Summit 2010, in
association with the Foreign Investment and Foreign Trade Agency (FIFTA) of
Mongolia on 14-16 October in Hong Kong. The meeting will showcase a range of
Mongolia-based opportunities in the natural
MonHorus International has turned its Amper House into
the country’s first store for all construction materials under one roof. The
inauguration of the “department store” meets a long-felt need for products and
services of international standards of advanced technology. Shopping for goods
in the
Ming Hing Waterworks Holdings has acquired Mongolia
Tugrug Nuur coal mine owned by Well Delight Holdings and plans to put it into
operation by the fourth quarter of this year.
Tugrug Nuur is estimated to have 92 million tons of coal,
mainly thermal coal
Aspire Mining Limited has accelerated its drilling and
exploration work at the Ovoot Coking Coal Project in northwest Mongolia with
two drilling rigs now working 24 hours a day. A total of 99 samples have been
dispatched with further samples and metallurgical test