News.MN - The source of news

Prosecutor General again demands dismissal of Ch.Sangaragchaa

Prosecutor General D.Dorligjav has written for the third time demanding the
dismissal of the director of the Anti-Corruption Authority (ACA),
Ch.Sangaragchaa. Another development that has been revealed is that the case of
MP L.Gundalai is going to be closed, after it had been

Japanese company wants to use bacteria in airag

In summer 2007, Gentaro Yasuda of Calpis Co. traveled to
Mongolia in search of new types of lactic acid bacteria. He visited gers to
sample and compare airag, the homemade fermented horse milk liquor whose
recipes date back thousands of years. Calpis, with

Australians amused by MP’s comments on Mongolia

Australian MPs spent AUD4.62 million on overseas trips in
the last six months of last year. They are required to lodge travel diaries
detailing their taxpayer-funded jaunts and the diaries can become a source of
some amusement around Parliament House. A Liberal MP

Deputy PM to lead group to regulate grant of licenses

The Government has set up a working group to design an
appropriate legal environment to regulate grant of business licenses and to
ensure that licensees carry out economic activities under the terms of the
licenses. The move is expected to help realize the

MP plans changes in personal income tax system

An MPRP MP, D.Baldan-Ochir, has revealed his plans to
soon submit a proposal for wide ranging changes in the tax system. He wants all
citizens to be included in a general data base, where everybody’s income and
assets will be registered. No income

World Bank Country Manager talks of Mongolia’s economic future

Arshad M. Sayed of
the World Bank is leaving Mongolia soon after four years as Country Manager and
Resident Representative.  In what may
well be his last public address here, the Indian-born economist who has worked
closely with the Mongolian Government to help it

Asashoryu forms competitive Mixed Martial Arts team

Retired sumo star Asashoryu
has started a Mixed Martial Arts team made up of Mongolians to compete in the
Sengoku Raiden Championships, one of Japan”s two leading MMA brands along with
K-1″s Dream organization. Dream and Sengoku have been open about their interest

Magnificent Collection Of Beautiful Wallpapers Gogo + Others

Magnificent Collection Of Beautiful
Wallpapers. Сонирхолтой өндөр чанартай ханын цааснуудын цуглуулга. Татаж
аваад дэлгэцээ чимээрэй. Танд таалагдана гэдэгт итгэлтэй байна. Тоо:
58 | Формат: JPEG | Харьцаа: 1600×1200 – 5016×3678Үргэлжлэл

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