News.MN - The source of news

Mongolia wins 20 medals, including 5 gold, in Judo World Cup

Chinggis Khaan World Cup 2010 in judo took place in Ulaanbaatar over the
weekend. According to International Judo Federation rules, all event winners
will have 100 points added to their international rankings. Silver medal
winners have earned 60 points and bronze medalists 40.

Anod Bank goes into liquidation

Bank is to go into liquidation. The Mongolbank directors’ board decided this on
Thursday. The information was given at a press conference by Mongolbank vice
president D.Zoljargal, Head of Monetary Policy and Research Dept. D.Bolbaatar
and the Central Bank’s representative at Anod Bank,

Standing Committee on Budget reports on work done

the customary end-of-session report, the head of the Standing Committee on the
Budget, Ts.Davaasuren, and MP B.Choijilsuren told media on Friday that the
committee held 16 meetings with average attendance of 74.7 percent, discussing
47 issues. The most notable among these were the

Mongolian toddler gets life-saving surgery in USA

only a year old, but Borhkuu Amralt has traveled halfway around the world from
Mongolia to get a life-saving surgery in San Antonio, Texas on Friday. A
non-profit group called HeartGift San Antonio made his trip and his incredible
operation possible.

baby was born

Basho features 11 wrestlers from Mongolia, against 16 Japanese

The withdrawal of second-ranked maegashira Aminishiki
from the rest of the Nagoya Grand Sumo Tournament because of injury will leave
more foreign wrestlers in the elite makuuchi division than Japanese for the
first time in the history of the ancient sport, according to

Inception OST 2010

Begins”, “The Dark Knight” гэсэн хоёр кинон дээр хамтран ажиллаж байсан
кино найруулагч Christopher Nolan, хєгжмийн зохиолч Hans Zimmer нар
гурав дахь кинондоо хамтран ажиллажээ. Тэдний хамгийн сvvлийн хамтын
бvтээл бол BoxOffice-ын жагсаалтын тэргvvн байранд бичигдэж байгаа
“Inception” хэмээх

Million Dollar Quest 2010 Hidden object

Object тєрлийн тоглоомнуудад дурлагч хvvхэд залуус, хэрэглэгчид та
бvхэндээ энэ тєрлийн нэгэн тоглоомыг санал болгож байна. “Million Dollar
Quest” хэмээх энэ тоглоом таныг цаг хугацаагаар аялах гайхамшигт аялалд
урин дуудах ба энэ аялал таныг феодалын эрин зуунд аваачих болно.

Auto Wallpapers 20

сонирходог хэрэглэгчиддээ зориулан хvргэдэг Auto Wallpapers ханын
цаасын цувралынхаа цоо шинэ 20-р хэсгийг хvргэж байна.Үргэлжлэл
