Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
D.Ochirbat answers questions on a draft law on health, medicines and hospitals
that is expected to be discussed in the Autumn session of Parliament. He is
among the initiators of the draft.
Why did you feel the
draft was needed?
am a doctor myself and
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average temperature in Mongolia has gone up by 3-4 degrees Celsius in the past
20 years. The rising temperature and low rainfall in some places gave meant
less food for pasturing animals. The temperature rose to above 40 Celsius
recently but 2004 and
of Uvs province’s Umnugobi soum clashed with workers of JCCIR Company operating
in the region. Both sides fired air guns, and threw stones at each other. The
company’s guards called the police during the clash. Police arrested about 20
people and are investigated
rights officials from China recently visited Mongolia at the invitation of the Clean
Competition Department and held meetings with their counterparts here on how to
protect the rights of customers.
consumer can submit complaints and suggestions by calling 12315. If investigation
concludes that
Metropolitan Prosecuting Authority has transferred to the related legal
organization the case of three officials accused of passing on state secrets. The
three are B.Bolor, second secretary at the Russian Affairs Section in
Parliament’s Foreign Relations Department; Ts.Jargalsaikhan, adviser to Parliament’s
Foreign Relations Department;
Hillary Clinton, the U.S Secretary of State, has promised Foreign Minister G.
Zandanshatar that she would visit Mongolia at a convenient time. They talked on
the sidelines of the ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ meeting in Hanoi last week.
Zandanshatar invited Mrs. Clinton to pay
Energy Resources LLC
aims to raise between USD800 million and USD1 billion in a Hong Kong initial
public offering by as early as September, according to unidentified but
dependable sources who spoke to Reuters. The Mongolian coking coal company,
whose Ukhaa Khudag mine is
Things continue to look bad for S.B.
Paushok, head of Altan Dornod Mongol. Investigations are believed to have
revealed that he unlawfully siphoned off large sums of money the company kept
in Anod and Zoos banks as security against supply of machinery and