News.MN - The source of news

Uls tur-minii huwid…

Uls turiin amidralmongold neeren unen haluuhan bainaa yahaw dee yaduural ih baigaa gazar ugaasaa uls tur hugjdug gene
tsaad gadaadad chine humuus ni uls turuu sonirhodogch ugui gene 
Harin mongold bol 3 nastai huuhedees eruu uwdug ni niilsen chawgants

Statue of Khotgoid Chingunjav erected in Murun city

statue of freedom fighter and governor of Khotgoid, Chingunjav (1710-1757) was
erected in Murun city of Khuvsgul province yesterday. It is the work of
sculptor A.Ochirbold and shows Chingunjav on a galloping horse, wearing a coat
of armor, and carrying a bow and

Anod Bank accounts transferred to Savings Bank

Central Bank has announced that all accounts with Anod Bank have been
transferred to Savings Bank. The Mongol Shuudan Bank building behind the Central
Post Office is now the central office of Savings Bank, while its main branch is
near Mongolbank. All issues

4 South Koreans arrested in drugs case

of the 20 South Korean citizens investigated in the case of the seizure of 356 narcotic
pills from a passenger on a MIAT flight from Seoul on July 16 have been
arrested. They will now be interrogated further.

Hakuho: God grants good fortune to those who work hard

an exclusive interview Yokozuna Hakuho, in Mongolia for a much-deserved rest
after winning three successive bashos without losing a single bout, says what
it feels like to remain undefeated in 47 consecutive appearances on the ring, and
yet unable to hold the Emperor’s

Official social and economic data published

The National Statistical Office has
revealed social and economic figures for June and, in some cases, for the first
six months of the year.

Consumer price index
The national consumer price index in June dropped 1.5 percent from May but was
11.4 percent higher

Mongolia Development Resources shares resume trading on MSE

Mongolia Development
Resources (MDR) has become the first
investment holding company listed on the Mongolia Stock Exchange (MSE). The
company shares resumed trading on MSE on July 15, following the approval of the
new charter and new prospectus by the Financial Regulatory Commission. MDR

Alien Shooter 2 Conscription

Shooter 2 тоглоомын шинэхэн нэмэлт болох Conscription тоглоомыг хүргэж
байна. Нэмэлт ч гэлээ (Standalone) буюу өмнөх хувилбар дээр нэмэж
суулгах шаардлагагүй, шууд тоглож болно. Энэхүү тоглоомын гол онцлог нь
action болон RPG жанруудыг нэгтгэсэнд байгаа юм. Тоглоомын түүх их

Rainlendar Pro v2.7-ZWT

бол ажил хэрэгч тэр тусмаа компьютер дээр сууж ихэнх цагаа өнгөрөөдөг
хүмүүст их тохирсон програм. Компьютер дээрээ сууж хэрэгтэй хэрэггүй веб
сайт хэссээр байгаад чухал зүйлүүдээ мартчих тохиолдол бишгүй
тохиолддог биз дээ. Тэгвэл таньд энэхүү дэлгэцийн календар их хэрэг
