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2010 CMT Music Awards Red Carpet Special

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шилдгvvдийг тодруулдаг “CMT Music Awards”-ын шагнал гардуулах ёслолын
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дуу хєгжмийн шилдгvvдийг шvтэн

Wallpapers Collection №75

бvрийн vзэмжтэй, чанар сайтай ханын цаасуудыг сэдэв харгалзахгvй
тvvвэрлэн хvргэдэг Wallpapers Collection цувралын №75 шинэ дугаар
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зургуудыг агуулан хvрч байна. Шинэ цуглуулганд цуврал бvрт маань багтдаг
vзэсгэлэнт гоолиг бас халуухан бvсгvйчvvд,

Patriotic tattoos becoming popular

Tattoo artist
J.Tegsh-Eruult, of Elegant Saloon, answers questions on the craze.

How many tattoo saloons are there?

Last year’s tattoo
competition saw competitors from 16 saloons, but I’d say, about 10 saloons
offer regular service. There are also skilled tattooists who work
independently. All of us

Sister city Denver to help increase Selbe water flow

2008, seven years after Ulaanbaatar was named Denver”s 10th sister city, the
City of Ulaanbaatar Park was opened to the people at East Fifth Avenue and
Roslyn Street at Lowry. The park cost USD2 million and has a sculpture
representing Ulaanbaatar made by

MNT5.2 billion to be spent on repairing thermal network

State-owned UB Thermal
Network Company has begun repairing its supply system at 10 places in the city
and hopes the work will be finished by September 15. The total work will cost MNT
5.2 billion. L.Amarbat, Finance Director of the company, has said

“Tradition” on show

An exhibition called “Tradition”
has opened in the Natural History Museum and will be on show until August 8. It
aims to promote young artists and also popularize traditional arts. The artists
represented in the exhibition are P.Battulga, B.Suvd-Erdene, D.Naranbaatar,
G.Burmaa, B.Sukhmyagmar, A.Sergelen and

Plans discussed for National Freedom anniversary next year

A working group has discussed
preliminary plans to nationally observe the 100th anniversary of the Revolution
of National Freedom next year. A memorial complex will be built and a film made
on the historical event made. The film may be a documentary or

Revised budget deficit at 6.4% of GDP

Among the several draft laws hastily
approved, in succession by the relevant Standing Committee and then by
Parliament itself, without too much of a discussion in either forum, before
Parliament went into recess after an extended session, was the one on budget
revision. Revenue

Entrée Gold files Technical Report on Lookout Hill Project

Entrée Gold has filed a comprehensive NI 43-101 Technical Report
(ETR10) which outlines the history and exploration of the Lookout Hill Project
and discusses various scenarios related to future development of the Oyutolgoi mining complex and, more specifically, the Entrée-Ivanhoe
Joint Venture Property.

XacBank gets USD8 million from EBRD for MSME loans

The European Bank for Reconstruction
and Development (EBRD) has announced a synthetic loan worth USD8 million in
local currency to XacBank for financing micro and small businesses in Mongolia.
XacBank is the second largest microfinance bank in Mongolia, and the EBRD holds
approximately ten
