Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
The Head of the President’s Office D.Battulga, and the
legal advisor to the President, G.Ganzorig, recently met S.Batdelger, Judge
General of the Supreme Court and head of General Council of Courts, to discuss implementation
of a program of judicial reforms supported by the
The head of the Asia Foundation in Mongolia, Mrs. Melony
C. Lindberg, and her colleague Mrs. Enkhjin, in charge of the Foundation”s
program on governance, recently called on G.Ganzorig, legal advisor to the
President, to apprise him of the results of a study
The World Chess
Federation (FIDE) has decided to build a Chess Palace at Yarmag in west
Ulaanbaatar. The news was revealed at yesterday’s formal ceremony at Sukhbaatar
Square to inaugurate the fifth leg of the FIDE Women’s Grand Prix that begins
today and will
Prime Minister S.Batbold, answered media questions at
Khuvsgul on his visit to Arkhangai, Uvurkhangai and Khuvsgul aimags.
did you find the situation in the three aimags?
My plan in this trip was to detail and explain the
Government’s policies, programs, and activities. I
Yuan Ming, head of the political council of the port city of Tianjin in China,
is leading a team of more than 40 political and business officials now in
Ulaanbaatar. The two cities became ‘sisters’ in 1992. Mongolia now has an Ulaanbaatar
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) will
cooperate with the Niigita prefecture on a three-year program to construct
sewage channels in Ulaanbaatar. A part of the program will be training
Mongolians in modern sewage technology. A recent meeting between Deputy Mayor
B.Baatarzorig and a
The current hot spell may affect growth of cereal and
vegetable plants, according to officials in the Ministry of Food, Agriculture
and Light Industry. However, they have reassured that there is no cause for
panic. Agriculture in Russia is under more stress because
The regular Government meeting on August 27 will be held
somewhere in the Gobi desert, but the aimag is yet to be announced. There will
be two issues on the agenda: climate and
ecology, and national development.
The choice of the Gobi is
Кинонд: 12 настай Dre нь АНУ-ын Detroit хотдоо нилээд
алдаршсан нэгэн байсан бөгөөд ээжийнх нь сүүлчийн карьерын нүүдэл нь
Хятадад газардсан юм. Тэрбээр Хятадын нийслэл Бээжин хотруу шилжин шинэ
орсон ангийнхаа Mei Ying-д сайн болж цагийг хамтдаа өнгөрөөж, хамт