A total of 11 forest fires were recorded in Dornod, Khentii, Sukhbaatar and Arkhangai provinces.
A total of 11 forest fires were recorded in Dornod, Khentii, Sukhbaatar and Arkhangai provinces.
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мянган сонсогчдыг байлдан дагуулж байсан америкийн дуучин Usher энэ наймдугаар сарын 24-нд “Versus”
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Сингл цомгоос арай олон
VA – Welcome To Mobville [2010]Хамтлаг, дуучин: VAЦомгийн нэр: Welcome To MobvilleГарсан огноо: 2010Жанр: RapYргэлжлэх хугацаа: 75:27 минЧанар: 256 kbps / 44,1kHz / StereoХэмжээ: 136.5 MBҮргэлжлэл
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хувиргах боломжийг олгодог Magix Music Maker программын тань нэмэлт
нэгэн программыг санал болгож байна. Дан гитарын аялгууг гаргах “Magix
Vandal” нэртэй энэ
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мэдээллийг агуулсан гайхалтай программ мэндэлжээ.
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StarCraft цуврал тоглоомын хамгийн сvvлд гарсан StarCraft II: Wings of
Liberty хэмээх шинэ хувилбар нь ердєє гурав хоногийн ємнє буюу 2010 оны
The Head of the President’s Office D.Battulga, and the
legal advisor to the President, G.Ganzorig, recently met S.Batdelger, Judge
General of the Supreme Court and head of General Council of Courts, to discuss implementation
of a program of judicial reforms supported by the
The head of the Asia Foundation in Mongolia, Mrs. Melony
C. Lindberg, and her colleague Mrs. Enkhjin, in charge of the Foundation”s
program on governance, recently called on G.Ganzorig, legal advisor to the
President, to apprise him of the results of a study
The World Chess
Federation (FIDE) has decided to build a Chess Palace at Yarmag in west
Ulaanbaatar. The news was revealed at yesterday’s formal ceremony at Sukhbaatar
Square to inaugurate the fifth leg of the FIDE Women’s Grand Prix that begins
today and will
Prime Minister S.Batbold, answered media questions at
Khuvsgul on his visit to Arkhangai, Uvurkhangai and Khuvsgul aimags.
did you find the situation in the three aimags?
My plan in this trip was to detail and explain the
Government’s policies, programs, and activities. I
Yuan Ming, head of the political council of the port city of Tianjin in China,
is leading a team of more than 40 political and business officials now in
Ulaanbaatar. The two cities became ‘sisters’ in 1992. Mongolia now has an Ulaanbaatar