A total of 11 forest fires were recorded in Dornod, Khentii, Sukhbaatar and Arkhangai provinces.
A total of 11 forest fires were recorded in Dornod, Khentii, Sukhbaatar and Arkhangai provinces.
General Intelligence Authority (GIA) has defended its arrest of U.Altangadas,
director of administration at the Anti-Corruption Authority (ACA), on July 28. Sections
in the ACA had been quick to call this an illegal act. The GIA has clarified
that the arrest had been
A colleague and friend of a British man shot dead while
working in Mongolia 13 years ago has accused the country’s police of being
‘deliberately obstructive’ in the investigation into his death. Last week’s
inquest in Britain into the death of Tim Jarman,
The Keene Sentinel, a newspaper published in
Chesterfield, New Hampshire, USA, reports that this has been a summer of firsts
for Khurelbaatar Munkhbat. First airplane ride, first trip to the United
States, first view of the ocean, first hamburger.
The shy 18-year-old college student
Minister S.Bayartsogt feels the present decision to distribute smaller amounts
on a monthly basis will keep inflation in check. He is confident there will be
more positive news on the economic front. The economy is expected to grow 8%.
The common man, having
Prime Minister S. Batbold has
reassured Mongolians that the free shares they will get in the proposed
Erdenes-Tavantolgoi Company will not be just pieces of paper, but will gain
more and more value as mining expands. He said, “As Prime Minister, I give
Last week was a pleasant surprise
for Mongolian-born sumo wrestler Shironoryu, 26, who acquired Japanese
citizenship last year. He found himself among the seven the sumo ranking
committee had promoted to the second-highest juryo division for the autumn
tournament. Only weeks ago he was
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