Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Australian Senator Bob Brown has
said he wants the country’s government “to clear the air on its role on behalf
of Rio Tinto”
in Mongolia “and also on if it influenced the Mongolian authorities to
legislate to overturn the super-profits (or windfall profits) tax.”
Speaker D. Demberel is on vacation and Deputy Speaker
G.Batkhuu (DP) is in charge until he returns. Yesterday he chaired a meeting of
the Speaker’s Council to begin preparations for the Autumn session of Parliament,
and to schedule the work plan for standing
Ambassador to Russia D.Idevkhten has
said Russia was and will again be “our key partner in foreign trade”, carrying
on a historical process that reached a peak in the last century. Radical
changes in both countries led to some disruption in these traditional
The Mongolian technical vocational
education training system (TVET), organized during the socialist era, broke
down with the transition and does not meet the present needs of the market in
terms of skill, quality and relevance. Some time ago, a number of
reform initiatives were identified
Prof. S.Enkhbat, Chairman of Nuclear
Energy Agency, has said Mongolia has to take big strides in the field of
nuclear science studies, and their application to industry. “It is not enough to
have just academics. We must also have a sizable number of
main English-language newspaper in the United Arab Emirates, the Gulf News,
wrote recently that sentiment on the major stock
exchanges around the world may be gloomy but there is always a ray of hope at
the exotic market places of the so-called frontier
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