Mongolian Prime minister L.Oyun-Erdene will participate this conference as the next host country.
Mongolian Prime minister L.Oyun-Erdene will participate this conference as the next host country.
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аль хэдийнээ бэлэн болжээ. 61 дугаартай энэ удаагийн дугаарт германы Dj
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байсан бол энэ удаад уг шагнал гардуулах ёслолын ажиллагааны бичлэгийг
толилуулж байна.
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of Openness of Exploitation Production Ts.Tsolmon answers questions.
How is the openness in
Mongolia today?
number of exploitation production companies is not stable in Mongolia. There
are so far 125 companies that reported to our organization in 2009. The number
was 64 in 2006, 102
FIDE World Women’s Grand Prix began in Ikh Tenger Complex on Friday. IM
B.Munguntuul of Mongolian is among the world’s top 12 players participating.
She lost two of her first three games but the tournament still has a long way
to go.
the first
Master A.Enkhtuul won the gold medal in the under-17 women’s group at the Sixth
World School Chess Championship, organized by the World Chess Federation (FIDE),
and held in Turkey. Enkhtuul defeated Jorayeva Govher of Turkmenistan at her
final match on August 31.
who wash their cars in the Tuul River will have their license canceled for two
years. The decision was taken as part of the Queen Tuul and Time campaign
organized by the Metropolitan Mayor’s Office, the Traffic Police Department,
the Professional Monitoring Authority,
General Intelligence Authority (GIA) has defended its arrest of U.Altangadas,
director of administration at the Anti-Corruption Authority (ACA), on July 28. Sections
in the ACA had been quick to call this an illegal act. The GIA has clarified
that the arrest had been