This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
MP P.Altangerel answers questions
on a program called Teacher that he has developed and will submit for
discussion by Parliament at its Autumn session.
is the program about?
Policy makers talk only
about mining, livestock, gold and copper and leaves out the issue “Who will
Voyager Resources has reported “exceptional” high grade drilling
results from the North Hinge Zone at the Daltiin Ovor Gold Project in Mongolia
with intersections including 3 meters at 50.59 g/t gold. A further RC drilling
program is now being planned to test strike
Hunnu Coal has reported the initial test results of coal quality
analyses performed on samples taken from the due diligence drill cores at the
Tsant Uul Coking Coal Project in southern Mongolia, demonstrating similarities
to coals at the giant Tavan Tolgoi Coking Coal
Minister for Roads, Transport,
Construction and Urban Development Kh.Battulga has expressed his happiness that
Parliament adopted the State Policy on Railway as proposed by the Government,
without any major change. He called it a historic event as the decision to set
up the existing
The ambulance center, the emergency call center, and the
police assistance cell have recently been brought together as part of a project
to streamline the monitoring and information network. All calls to 101 in an
emergency, or to 102 for police assistance, or
of The
National University of Mongolia (NUM) won a gold medal at the
recently concluded 17th International University Mathematics Olympiad in
Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. The event brought together 369 students from 94
universities and institutes from 76 countries. B.Ganbold, also of NUM, won a bronze
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