News.MN - The source of news

Mines in Orkhon basin under special investigation

The Ministry of Nature, Environment,
and Tourism recently instructed concerned organizations to immediately inspect
the activities of companies extracting minerals in areas falling under the
Orkhon river basin area. This will be part of a special program of the State
Specialized Inspection Agency (SIA)

Dancers from Bulgan to perform at US festival

A Mongolian troupe is being billed as a major attraction
at the upcoming 25th annual Idaho International Dance Festival in Idaho Falls.
The group from Bulgan has performed in various places of Mongolia, and in
America and Japan.

“When we dance, a good

Fewer marriages, more divorces

The National Statistics Office
reveals an increase in the number of divorces, especially among young couples. The
number of people getting married reached a peak in 2006, but that figure of 48,996
has been falling ever since, hitting 34,071 in 2009. The number

Fewer mining licenses means less revenue for State

Kh.Batbaatar, director of statistics
of Geology and Mining Cadastre Department, talks about the temporary suspension
on issue of mining licenses imposed by President   Ts.Elbegdorj on April 20.

many exploration licenses did you give before the ban?

The National Security
Council modified the President’s decision on

MP prepares program for better teachers in schools

MP P.Altangerel answers questions
on a program called Teacher that he has developed and will submit for
discussion by Parliament at its Autumn session.

is the program about?

Policy makers talk only
about mining, livestock, gold and copper and leaves out the issue “Who will

Hunnu Coal reports test results at Tsant Uul Project

Hunnu Coal has reported the initial test results of coal quality
analyses performed on samples taken from the due diligence drill cores at the
Tsant Uul Coking Coal Project in southern Mongolia, demonstrating similarities
to coals at the giant Tavan Tolgoi Coking Coal

Many countries likely to be involved in building new railway

Minister for Roads, Transport,
Construction and Urban Development Kh.Battulga has expressed his happiness that
Parliament adopted the State Policy on Railway as proposed by the Government,
without any major change. He called it a historic event as the decision to set
up the existing

Emergency network united, to offer prompter service

The ambulance center, the emergency call center, and the
police assistance cell have recently been brought together as part of a project
to streamline the monitoring and information network. All calls to 101 in an
emergency, or to 102 for police assistance, or

Mongolian wins gold medal at students’ mathematics olympiad

of The
National University of Mongolia (NUM) won a gold medal at the
recently concluded  17th International University Mathematics Olympiad in
Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. The event brought together 369 students from 94
universities and institutes from 76 countries. B.Ganbold, also of NUM, won a bronze
