This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
Хэдхэн хоногийн ємнє Германы поп рок хамтлаг болох “Tokio Hotel”
хамтлагийн “Humanoid City Live” хэмээх амьд цомгийг оруулж байсан
билээ. Тэгвэл энэ удаад Европын улс орнуудаар аялан тоглосон “Welcome To
Humanoid City Tour” тоглолтын нэг хэсэг болох Италийн Милан хотын
Photoshop программ ашигладаг график дизайнер, сонирхогч, анхлан
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гоёмсог Brush-уудыг толилуулж байна. Ямар ч ажил мэргэжлийн салбар бай
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дизайнер таны Brush цуглуулгуудад ч
MPRP Secretary General U.Khurelsukh reports after a visit
to the Independence Palace under construction that 70 percent of the work is
done and the MPRP’s new building will open by March. He
was happy with the construction.
Vice director of Clean
Competition Department J.Dorjpalam talks about flour prices.
did the price of flour rise so suddenly? Did it have anything to with the fuel
It is too early to say. We have
set up a working group to study the
Prime Minister S.Batbold visited
the Taishir water power station on August 8 and then instructed the Ministry
for Finance and the Ministry for Minerals and Energy to release US 250,000 so
that full generation there may begin in September. The plant will provide
Only about 200,000 people,
of them 95,600 in Ulaanbaatar, have so far been registered under the new system
that began work on July 5. The number was expected to be higher, as only a
newly registered person will be allowed to claim money
Two Mexican tourists last
seen in Tsogt Ovoo soum of Umnugobi province on August 6 were finally located
over the weekend. The tourists established their location with the help of GPS
and then called for help. Police and a rescue team reached them
The School of Physical
Education and Sports run by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has
named its chess program after Georgian Grand Master Maia Chiburdanedze. An
agreement to this effect was signed by the school’s principal, Ch.Zorigtbaatar,
and the seven-times world champion
A check has revealed that
the number of livestock in Ulaanbaatar has reached 400,000, around the number found
in a big soum. This is cause for concern as infectious diseases can break out.
Animals are treated in many
veterinary clinics on the first
Minister for Environment and
Tourism L.Gansukh answers questions.
are forest reclamation programs going?
Forest reclamation will work
better if we had the money to put more people on the job. We have decided to
put quality before quantity and have had good results. Forest users’