News.MN - The source of news

Economic growth slows

According to the latest
survey of the National Statistical Office, unemployment has reached 11 percent,
with 138,000 people without a regular job. Active job-seekers registered in
labor service centers number 39,200.

Of the 501,400 people who
paid for social insurance 204,000 were shown as

PM assures prices will remain stable

Speaking to traders and buyers at a food market in a
western province, Prime Minister S. Batbold recently said Mongolia would soon
produce enough wheat and vegetables to meet the entire domestic demand. He also
said the planned commodity exchange markets will keep

EBRD AND Khan Bank signs participation agreement

The EBRD and Mongolia’s largest bank, Khan Bank, have
signed a participation agreement for USD10 million under the EBRD Medium-Sized
Co-Financing Facility (MCFF). “The MCFF is designed to provide
co-financing by EBRD for up to 50 per cent of Khan Bank’s loans to

Petro Matad streamlines exploration program

Petro Matad has provided an update on the company”s
drilling operations. The first 2D seismic survey has commenced on the Blocks IV
and V in central Mongolia. Mongolian geophysical contracting company Khet LLC
is undertaking the 360-km survey, covering 7 seismic lines, under

Mongolia’s boxing hero ready for the fight

Wrestling, not boxing, is the sport
most people associate with Mongolia but the latter is becoming more and more
popular, thanks in part to the achievements of one man. He is sitting in the
stands, watching the bout intently. His name is Badar

NEA to challenge court’s ruling in favor of Khan Resources

Khan Resources has said the
Mongolian Nuclear Energy Agency has decided to appeal an Ulaanbaatar court”s
decision that the agency had acted illegally in canceling the mining licenses
held by one of the company”s units in the country. “We are very
disappointed that NEA



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