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Wallpapers Collection №78

бvрийн vзэмжтэй, чанар сайтай ханын цаасуудыг сэдэв харгалзахгvй
тvvвэрлэн хvргэдэг Wallpapers Collection цувралын №78 шинэ дугаар
хэрэглэгч та бvхний компьютерийн дэлгэцийг ганган чамин байдлаар чимж
харах нvд, тєрєх мэдрэмжинд тань нийцэх олон гайхалтай зургуудаа
агуулсаар хvрч байна. Шинэ цуглуулганд

Dear diary…

Энгийн л нэгэн уйтгартай хэвийн өдөр,,,Урьдын
адил өглөөө босон гэр орны ажил дүүгээ харах гээд л… Хамгийн баяртай
схан мэдээ нь бороо орсон..одоо ч бас шивэрсээр л бн. Энэ нь намг
тайвшруулж бас жаргалтай болгодог.. хуучин дурсамжуудаар аялахад
тусалдаг гэхүүдээ

Дуртай дуугаа снсоол тагтан

“Maybe I would have played better elsewhere,” says Munguntuul

Munguntuul answered media questions midway through the tournament. A selection
of the questions and answers follows.

When did you start playing chess?

Our father taught me, my sister and
my brother to play chess when we were children. 
I became a women’s International Master at

North Asia Resources to acquire iron ore assets in Mongolia

North Asia Resources Holdings, formerly known as Green
Global Resources, has announced plans to spend HKD195.5 million to acquire iron
ore assets in Mongolia from Inner Mongolia Taishen Mining Co. According to the
agreement signed by the two parties, the iron mine”s reserves

Centerra does not expect to begin production at Gatsuurt this year

Centerra Gold, that owns 
the  Boroo mine in Mongolia, has
reported higher-than-expected quarterly earnings, as increased production and
strong gold prices helped the miner return to profit after a loss last year.
The Canadian gold miner”s net earnings came in at USD29.8 million. That

Hou Yifan of China wins Grand Prix, with unbeaten record

The 5th
FIDE Women’s Grand Prix in Ulaanbaatar was won yesterday by Hou Yifan of China,
with 8 points in 11 matches. She was followed by Antoaneta Stefanova of Bulgaria with
7.5 points. Three other Grandmasters, Tatiana Kosintseva of Russia, Zhao Xue of

92% of SME loans distributed nationwide

Problems with collateral
were reported to have affected the disbursement of MNT30 billion as loans to
small and medium enterprises in all 21 provinces and six districts of Ulaanbaatar,
particularly in the countryside. D.Batmagnai, officer in charge of Finance and
Investment of SME, answers
