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Daffy Duck: Frustrated Fowl 2010

бvрийн дуртай зvйлийн нэг бол яахын аргагvй хvvхэлдэйн кино. Хайртай
бяцхан vрдээ, дvvдээ vргэлж л зvсэн зvйлийн юм сэдэж явдаг сахилгагvй,
сэргэлэн Daffy хэмээх нугасны хєгжилтэй адал явдлуудыг агуулсан “Daffy Duck: Frustrated Fowl” нэртэй DVD-ийг татаж авч vзvvлээрэй.Үргэлжлэл

Super Sunday

Английн Премьер лигийн 2010-2011 оны улирлын нээлтийн тоглолтууд өнгөрсөн амралтын өдөр явагдсан бөгөөд тэдний дундаас ням гарагт болсон Ливэрпүүл болон Арсэнал багуудын тоглолт олны анхаарлын төвд байлаа. Энфилд цэнгэлдэхэд явагдсан энэ тоглолтын анхаарлын  төвд 2 багийн шинэ тоглогчид болох Жо

UNFPA reviews progress of programs

A consultative meeting was held Wednesday to review
results of programs run with assistance from the United Nations Population Fund
(UNFPA).  A.Matavel, the Permanent
Representative of UNFPA to Mongolia, and Ch.Khurelbaatar, head of the Cabinet
Secretariat, also discussed the goals for the assistance to

Ambassador lectures on foreign policy in Australian university

Ambassador to
Australia Ts.Jambaldorj recently gave a lecture 
on the foreign policy of Mongolia and how its diplomatic service works
at the School of Pacific and Asian Studies of the Australian National
University. The event was organized to mark the 100th anniversary of Mongolia’s

Smokeless UB program gets new name and wider scope

After failing to get its Smokeless UB program approved in
the Spring session of Parliament, the Government has now made some changes in
it, following suggestions from a working group established for the purpose. The
program is now called New Construction, to emphasize

Weather to cool down

The weather office
forecasts rain and a low temperature throughout the country from August 14. Wet
snow is also predicted next week in Khangai areas. The weather is cooling down
earlier than in the past few years, and there has been more rain

Companies to print school books not yet chosen

Minister for Education, Culture and Science Yo.Otgonbayar
has said that all  schools will receive
their books by August 25. This is despite the alarming fact that printing
orders are yet to be given.

The tender for printing the books was announced on June
29 but

Number of tourists increases

Figures released by The
National Tourism Center show that there has been a 50.9% increase in the number
of tourists arriving in Mongolia in the first six months of 2010 over the
corresponding period last year. Citizens from Asia Pacific countries account
for more

U.Altangadas freed

U.Altangadas, Director of Implementation Department at
the Anti-Corruption Authority, was released on Tuesday after being held in
Gants Khudag prison since July 28. It is believed that .he was arrested because
of his reportedly illegal investigation of the former director of the ACA
