Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
About 400,000 citizens have so far been registered
nationwide under the new registration system. B.Narantsetseg, director of the
State Civil Registration Authority, explains the system and reports on the
progress so far.
did we have this fresh registration when the apartment and population census
One man was killed and more
than 20 people were injured in Wednesday’s clashes between herders and ninja
miners in Darvi soum in Gobi-Altai. Both sides used fire arms. The herders were
resisting the efforts of around 100 miners to dig for gold
Yu.Gankhuyag, officer in charge of environment in Uvurkhangai
province, has said the situation in areas around Tuvkhun monastery in Bat-Ulzii
soum is now quiet. Earlier reports had spoken of clashes between civilians and
gold mining companies near the monastery, established by Zanabazar and
Equipment presented by a Korean company, Medison, will be
used at the Maternity Clinic to check the state of the fetus. The apparatus uses
state of the art technology to get pictures of the fetal mandible, palate, nose
and lips, and also to
The fact that no laws are available in Braille puts the
blind in a difficult situation when they get involved in any investigation. This is going to change, as the Human Rights
Commission gets ready to issue the State Constitution and the
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