News.MN - The source of news

Quarantine centre for pets established in UB

According to unofficial statistics, one in three people in Mongolia have pets. It is estimated that some 60,000 homes have dogs and 3000 have cats. Professional organisations have warned people with pets to prevent and protect their loved animals from the

Five people die of gas suffocation in Mongolian hot spring

Five people have died at the so called NinthHot Spring which is located in the Erdene Soum of Tuv Province. According to one source, a total of 10 people with three cars travelled to the resort two days ago. Unfortunately, five

Mongolia’s total tally of Covid-19 surpasses 1000

Today (22 December), Mongolia has reported 13 new cases of coronavirus bringing the total tally of Covid-19 infections to 1006. The new cases were all from the recent epicenter of the infection at General Hospital of Ulaanbaatar’s Bayanzurkh District. Two medical workers, two carers, four

Western Mongolian provinces connected to UB by highway

Three western Mongolian provinces have now been connected with the capital city of  Ulaanbaatar by highway. The new road will be comfortable and time-saving for travelers and tourists alike. The 127.6 km long highway was constructed between Bayankhongor and Altai.
Construction started in 2015;

Ulaanbaatar returns to strict lockdown

Today (21 December), the Mongolian Government has restored strict lockdown measures after General Hospital of Bayanzurh District of the capital became a new epicenter of the pandemic. Therefore, a public emergency readiness and preparation (second degree emergency situation) will be

Mongolia’s ancient city marks 800 years

Karakorum, also called Kharkhorin, is an archaeological site, and former capital of the Mongols, located in the Orkhon Valley in the present-day Uvurkhangai Province of Mongolia.

The Mongols emerged from the unification of several nomadic tribes in the Mongol homeland under

Mongolia confirms 32 new cases of Covid-19

Mongolia has confirmed 32 new cases of coronavirus, all but one from the localized outbreak at Ulaanbaatar’s Bayanzurkh District General Hospital; the single casewas a passenger from Frankfurt flight.
So far, Mongolia has 993 confirmed cases of coronavirus; 531 of them are

Mongolian Democratic Party holds Tenth Congress online

The Mongolian Democratic Party has held today its Tenth Congress online in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus. The party’s annual congress was originally scheduled for 16 November, however, it was suspended as Mongolia issued second level emergency situation following

Dzud danger! Helping herders cope

The Mongolian government on Wednesday decided to distribute livestock feed among herder families in several provinces to help them overcome extreme wintry weather, known as “dzud.”
“Dzud” is a Mongolian term to describe the frigid winter that comes after a dry
