This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
Deputy PM N.Altankhuyag was in Arkhangai province over the weekend, assessing
the status of small and medium enterprises in the countryside. MNT 30 billion
has been lent to SMEs this year, designated as Industry Encouragement Year. Last
year 70 projects in Arkhangai got
head of the Department of Neighboring Countries in Mongolia”s Foreign Ministry;
and Yang Yanyi, head of the Asian Affairs Department in China”s Foreign
Ministry, led their respective sides at a meeting on August 16 in Beijing to
discuss issues relating to bilateral cooperation
Intec, an information
technology company founded by a woman, has shown a way to thrive in Mongoloa’s
often-chaotic economic environment, says a report in The country
has made great strides in improving e-government – jumping from 82nd place to
53rd in the UN
The Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science recently
signed a memorandum of understanding with Oyu Tolgoi LLC on providing training
to around 2,500 people who will work in the mines to begin operation in about
three years from now. The first phase of
George Lkhagvadorj Tumur, Managing Director of
Australia-based Hunnu Coal which is exploring for coal in Mongolia, has said
that despite mining being such an important sector in the Mongolian economy,
there are many who do not realize how difficult it is, in both
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Revenue from Customs and excise duties in the first six months of the year amounted to MNT315,726.5 million, 63.0 percent more than in the same period last year. Collection from import duties increased 51.4 percent but that from export taxes