With uranium demand set to be strong in the coming decades, Mongolia is positioning itself as a strategic player and a significant contributor in the global climate effort.
With uranium demand set to be strong in the coming decades, Mongolia is positioning itself as a strategic player and a significant contributor in the global climate effort.
The Government
meeting on Wednesday decided to allow students to pay tuition for just four months
at a time, and not the whole year. Many families will now be able to use the
money they are due to receive from the Human Development
The Government
meeting yesterday made a decision to lower the tax on A-80 petroleum by
MNT70,000 so that retail prices do not have to be raised, after Russia had
increased its price by USD68.
Ts.Amaraa, deputy
director of Oil Agency, said, “There is speculation that
Following the
publication of a news story in News.mn on how hundreds of people live in the
Ulaanchuluut garbage dump, even giving birth and raising babies, the
President’s Office and an NGO have taken up a project to provide education to
children there. The
Director of Altan Taria, answers questions on the situation in the flour market
in the backdrop of popular opinion blaming domestic flour producers for the recent
price rise.
Why has your company
raised the price of flour by MNT10 per kilo? And why
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