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71 Into The Fire 2010DVDRip GogoDuugiMediafire

Өмнөд Солонгосын нэрт найруулагч John H.Lee-гийн бас нэгэн гайхалтай киног та бүхэндээ хүрэх гэж байна. Өнгөрсөн зургадугаар сарын 16-нд нээлтээ хийсэн “71-Into the Fire” буюу “Галан дундах 71” кино нь “Тэнгис” кино театртын дэлгэцнээ гараад удаагүй байгаа билээ.үргэлжлэл

The Sims 3 Official Objects Duugi Share

The Sims 3 тоглодог хүмүүсд зориулан Sims 3-ын албан ёсны object-үүдийн багцыг хүргэж байна. Үүнд шинэ ертөнц, хувцас, үсний засалт, тавилга, машин зэрэг зүйлсүүд багтсан байгаа.Үргэлжлэл

Summer Challenge: Athletics Tournament 2010 Duugi + Others

Зуны хөнгөн атлетикийн олимпын цоо шинээр гарсан тоглоомыг хүргэж байна. Уг тоглоомд та гүйлт, харвалт, усанд сэлэлт, зээрэнцэг шидэлт, харайлт зэрэг хөнгөн атлетикын олимпын үеэр явагддаг бүхий л төрлөөр тоглох боломжтой.Үргэлжлэл

Funny pic

Funny picҮргэлжлэл

Measures to reduce air pollution announced under new program

The Ulaanbaatar administration and the Ministry of
Environment and Tourism have chosen Baganuur as the site for a new power plant,
in a bid to reduce the air pollution in the capital city. Another decision with
the same goal is to popularize the

PM and senior Chinese party official pledge to strengthen ties

Prime Minister S.Batbold received earlier this week Wang
Jiarui, head of the International Department of the Communist Party of China
(CPC) Central Committee, to discuss bilateral ties. Batbold, who is also
chairman of the MPRP, said Mongolia will continue to work with China

Gift fire engine for Mongolia cannot pass Russian Customs

A team of Scots
fund-raisers racing a fire engine to be donated to emergency services in
Mongolia has had to change course after being held on the Russian border for
five days. Despite support from MPs, and the British Embassy in Moscow,
officials demanded

Mongolia must plan for multi-polar, hi-tech, and knowledge-based economy

B.Ganbat, a departmental head in the National Development
and Innovation Committee, says a proper development strategy for Mongolia must
have provision for setting up high-tech industry. The present situation, where
the country exports only raw and unprocessed output from the mining and
agriculture sectors,
